Panasonic 20mm f1.7 ม อสอง เช ยงใหม

More Information Weight0.000000 VPNH-H020AS On SaleYes Lens MountMicro 4/3 FormatMicro 4/3 Image StabilizationNo AutofocusYes Focal Length20mm (35mm Equivalent Focal Length: 40mm) Aperture Type7, Rounded Max ApertureF/1.7 Minimum Focus Distance7.87" / 20 cm Filter Thread46mm Warranty1-Year Limited Warranty

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Reviewed in the United States on October 31, 2017

So, this lens. I had the previous version of this lens, and gave it three stars because the AF speed was close to terrible. That was a few years ago. So have things changed?

Yes, actually. Camera bodies got better, with better interfaces, better focusing systems, better touch screens, etc. So even though this lens is the same lens as it always was, now it's a better lens because it's part of a better system, and I feel pretty comfortable saying it's now a 5-star lens for 90% of situations, whereas maybe before, I did not feel it deserved 5 stars.

This lens is still what it always was, and that's what's so wonderful about it. It's a very compact, inexpensive prime with SUPERB image quality. I think just about everyone agrees that this lens takes a better quality picture than any wide to normal MFT lens under a grand. Not only that, 20mm is a superb one-size-fits-all focal length, useful for street shooting, environmental portraits, group shots, even selfies (where the light weight is useful). It might be the most versatile focal length for someone who is primarily a night time shooter like myself.

And this lens, it just oozes vibe, it just has mojo. There's real soul to this lens. I can't explain it, but the first time you nail that street night shot with this lens, you'll know what I'm talking about. It's sharp, yet flattering to people. It makes dull pictures look just a bit more interesting, and it makes good pictures look great. The Panasonic 25mm f/1.4 also does that, of course, but this lens has that vibe for less money in a smaller lens with a wider field of view.

But you have to use it properly. You have to give it something to focus on. You can't let it hunt because it will never finish hunting. But with a modern MFT body (esp. a Panasonic with DFD), that's not hard. You can use the touchscreen or use buttons to make sure you're giving a good AF point. If you're the kind of person who lets the camera pick a focusing point all the time, don't get this lens. But then again, I would argue that one should be carefully focusing every shot at f/1.7.

So, if you are ready to give your camera something to focus for every picture you take, then try this lens. Notice I said nothing about still life vs. action. You can take action shots with this lens. But you have to select a good AF box for every single shot, and if you slightly miss it and the lens starts hunting, pick a better AF point and try again. Yes, you might miss a couple of shots with this lens that you might not have missed with a faster focusing lens. But aside from a black cat running back and forth in a dark room, you should be fine if you're picking a good AF point for every single picture. Practice with it. The first time you shoot a concert with it, expect to miss some shots. But you'll get better, and the bouncer who turns away other "professional cameras" will probably not even realize what a monster you have with the 20mm.

There are situations where this lens will not be so great, but you'll quickly learn what they are:

  1. Video where you need the on-camera audio to be clean, because yes, this lens talks a bit. Of course, in a loud setting like a rock concert, AF noises are pretty minimal compared to other sounds.
  1. C-AF. It can't do it. But on the other hand, what exactly would you have been doing with C-AF at 20mm anyway? Shooting basketball? You can fire off a burst in S-AF just fine at 20mm, where you're so far from the action that the depth of field is so deep, so a series of photos is highly unlikely to require refocusing. For video, C-AF in MFT is awful anyway, so just go manual or S-AF.
  1. Trying to shoot scenes with minimal contrast. Thing is, though, unless it's an action scene, you can wait for the picture to get taken. But I guess some toddlers don't really wait around.
  1. Handing off the camera to someone who is bad at cameras. But lately, this is less of an issue. Set it to touchscreen shutter, and tell them to touch the face on the LCD. Almost anyone can do that these days.
  1. You want reasonably fast focus on an older MFT camera.

If any of these points are deal breakers, just skip this lens and go to the Olympus 17mm f/1.8. However, I think a better idea is to spend the same money on a cheap used body + this 20mm f/1.7 because I think the picture is better. Plus, with all these other lenses out there where you can go crazy, I think this tiny, cheap, and superb lens is more important than ever to the Micro Four Thirds system. It's cheap enough that it doesn't have to be your only lens, so you can have other lenses that cover its weaknesses. This by itself makes a pretty decent kit. This + a kit zoom can make a good kit. This + any of the great MFT lenses out there (zoom or prime) can make a great kit.

To summarize, don't get this lens if you have no desire to develop good habits for photography. But take care of your 20mm, and it will take care of you.

97 people found this helpful


Reviewed in the United States on December 13, 2015

Hey what’s up everyone, my name’s Chris Winter and today I’m going to take a look at what has become one of my all time favourite lenses, the Panasonic 20mm 1.7. I've been using this lens for about a year now and have absolutelyy fallen in love with it’s image quality and size. And if you haven’t seen it yet guys, make sure to check out my top 5 best value micro fours thirds lenses list. I’ll put a link in the description box below so go and check it out.

Let’s first take a look at the build quality of this lens. When you first pick up the panasonic 20mm 1.7, you’ll definitely notice just how small it is. Even though the lens does have a very wide 1.7 aperture, Panasonic has been able to keep it down to a tiny size. There’s not a whole lot of plastic on this lens either, with a metallic body and metal mount on the rear, it does feel like it’s going to hold up well to years of use. On the front we have a beautiful focus ring which is incredibly smooth to turn. I really love it. There's no image stabilisation on the lens or a manual focus switch, but that's because it's actually got full time manual focus, which is a nice touch.

Before I used the 20mm 1.7, my favorite focal lensht was a 50mm on a full frame body. But that's all changed now and it’s now 20mm. That equates to about 40mm on these bodies and it's a great field of view for most shots. Just so you can get an idea of what that focal length is. Here what 20mm looks like. And just for comparison, this is what 12mm looks like on a micro four thirds body and here is what 32mm looks like. So for me, it's a very happy medium at 20.

Let's now talk about bokeh, or the background blur behind your subject. Before I found this lens, I never thoguht that you could get such shallow depths of field with a) such a small lens, b) a wide-ish angle of 20mm and c) on a small micro four thirds camera. But as you can see, I was wrong. I've had such a blast shooting with this lens, as it produces some stunning bokeh. It's creamy, it's smooth and it's not distracting. Not only that, even at wide apertures the shots are still tack sharp and you're still getting some lovely bokeh. I've very impressed

The 20mm 1.7 has a minimum focusing distance of around 20cm, which isn't the closest focusing lens you'll find. That's not to say you can't get some nice detailed shots with it, as you can see here, as we zoom in to 100%. But it's definitely not a dedicated macro lens.

Now one of the biggest issues people have had with this lens is it's autofocus speed, and you know what, I havent had any issues with it. I've consistenly found the 20 1.7 to have very good autofocus speed at all apertures, comparable to my dslr with a similar lens. The only time I'd ever have any problems withe autofocus is in very low light conditions, and then i'd simply switch to manual focus, no biggie for me. So if you’re worried about all of the autofocus probelms you read online, I'd forget it, it's a great focusing lens especially for its size.

Panasonic 20mm f1.7 ม อสอง เช ยงใหม

5.0 out of 5 stars my name’s Chris Winter and today I’m going to take a look at what has become one of my all time favourite lenses, the Panasonic Reviewed in the United States on December 13, 2015

Hey what’s up everyone, my name’s Chris Winter and today I’m going to take a look at what has become one of my all time favourite lenses, the Panasonic 20mm 1.7. I've been using this lens for about a year now and have absolutelyy fallen in love with it’s image quality and size. And if you haven’t seen it yet guys, make sure to check out my top 5 best value micro fours thirds lenses list. I’ll put a link in the description box below so go and check it out.

Let’s first take a look at the build quality of this lens. When you first pick up the panasonic 20mm 1.7, you’ll definitely notice just how small it is. Even though the lens does have a very wide 1.7 aperture, Panasonic has been able to keep it down to a tiny size. There’s not a whole lot of plastic on this lens either, with a metallic body and metal mount on the rear, it does feel like it’s going to hold up well to years of use. On the front we have a beautiful focus ring which is incredibly smooth to turn. I really love it. There's no image stabilisation on the lens or a manual focus switch, but that's because it's actually got full time manual focus, which is a nice touch.

Before I used the 20mm 1.7, my favorite focal lensht was a 50mm on a full frame body. But that's all changed now and it’s now 20mm. That equates to about 40mm on these bodies and it's a great field of view for most shots. Just so you can get an idea of what that focal length is. Here what 20mm looks like. And just for comparison, this is what 12mm looks like on a micro four thirds body and here is what 32mm looks like. So for me, it's a very happy medium at 20.

Let's now talk about bokeh, or the background blur behind your subject. Before I found this lens, I never thoguht that you could get such shallow depths of field with a) such a small lens, b) a wide-ish angle of 20mm and c) on a small micro four thirds camera. But as you can see, I was wrong. I've had such a blast shooting with this lens, as it produces some stunning bokeh. It's creamy, it's smooth and it's not distracting. Not only that, even at wide apertures the shots are still tack sharp and you're still getting some lovely bokeh. I've very impressed

The 20mm 1.7 has a minimum focusing distance of around 20cm, which isn't the closest focusing lens you'll find. That's not to say you can't get some nice detailed shots with it, as you can see here, as we zoom in to 100%. But it's definitely not a dedicated macro lens.

Now one of the biggest issues people have had with this lens is it's autofocus speed, and you know what, I havent had any issues with it. I've consistenly found the 20 1.7 to have very good autofocus speed at all apertures, comparable to my dslr with a similar lens. The only time I'd ever have any problems withe autofocus is in very low light conditions, and then i'd simply switch to manual focus, no biggie for me. So if you’re worried about all of the autofocus probelms you read online, I'd forget it, it's a great focusing lens especially for its size.

196 people found this helpful


Reviewed in the United States on September 22, 2020

40mm effective is an FL I've shot for years/decades. I'm comfortable with it. As well as 28's and 50's which I also shoot. I don't believe this lens fills in for either a 28 or 50 equivalent. Its its own FL and I happen to be very comfortable shooting it. I also have the Panasonic-Leica 15/1.7 and Olympus 25/1.8. They are my only primes and I'm a prime shooter. All are used about the same amount.

As most know and anyone interested should know, the AF is ancient. Its slow. It cannot use AFC. Which means it can't use face detection effectively. It can't use AF for video (but who uses AF for video anyway?) Its actually not bad in low light. It will rack a few times, but as long as there's a touch of contrast, it will lock and accurately focus. Edges of shadows work for contrast, flat white walls in low light do not. Basically, its effective, though slow, in low light.

There are comments about noise. Apparently Panasonic forgot to manufacture the noise into my copy. Whatever noise there is is no different than most lenses. I don't consider any of my Panasonic or Olympus primes or zooms to be silent.

Built quality, fit and finish is excellent. So far it seems impervious to ghosting or flare at any stop. I use a 46mm to 37mm step-down ring for a hood. Its sharp, though that's not a particularly important criteria for me. Any modern lens is sharp.

The render is one big reason to buy this lens. Its superb. Excellent contrast, nice color balance and saturation. Involved somewhat like the PL15 versus boring like my O25/1.8 (or so many lenses these days).

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Top reviews from other countries

4.0 out of 5 stars A good budget option to keep things light.

Reviewed in Canada on December 14, 2016

Finally, I'm able to pick up that lens that every M43 user seems to have in their bag.

Build: This lens is a relaltively cheap lens, but the build quality is actually fairly nice. It has a metal mount, the plastic feels very solid and for a pancake lens, it's got weight to it.

IQ: Zero complaints about sharpness, colour, bokeh, or CA. The lens performs well in good light, and the fast aperture helps in darker situations.

Functionality: The focus ring is okay. I find it a little annoying to use, but YMMV. It's smooth, but I feel like it takes just a little bit too much force to turn. As this is one of the very smallest lenses you can get, it's great for walking around. Your kit will feel like a point and shoot! The focusing is slow compared to other lenses for the system, and it's pretty loud.

Overall this lens is very good. However, the focal length is a little awkward. For people who are used to 35mm, or 28mm, it feels tight. For people who are in to 50mm, it feels too wide. It's.... Kind of an awkward experience. Maybe I'll get used to it!

Panasonic 20mm f1.7 ม อสอง เช ยงใหม

4.0 out of 5 stars A good budget option to keep things light. Reviewed in Canada on December 14, 2016

Finally, I'm able to pick up that lens that every M43 user seems to have in their bag.

Build: This lens is a relaltively cheap lens, but the build quality is actually fairly nice. It has a metal mount, the plastic feels very solid and for a pancake lens, it's got weight to it.

IQ: Zero complaints about sharpness, colour, bokeh, or CA. The lens performs well in good light, and the fast aperture helps in darker situations.

Functionality: The focus ring is okay. I find it a little annoying to use, but YMMV. It's smooth, but I feel like it takes just a little bit too much force to turn. As this is one of the very smallest lenses you can get, it's great for walking around. Your kit will feel like a point and shoot! The focusing is slow compared to other lenses for the system, and it's pretty loud.

Overall this lens is very good. However, the focal length is a little awkward. For people who are used to 35mm, or 28mm, it feels tight. For people who are in to 50mm, it feels too wide. It's.... Kind of an awkward experience. Maybe I'll get used to it!

3 people found this helpful


5.0 out of 5 stars Definitely take the spot of my favourite lens!

Reviewed in Canada on November 24, 2019

Love my new compact pancake lens! Packaging was well done and the lens was snug and safe. As for the lens itself, I love the focal length and bokeh it generates.

Much better than the kit lens that came with my Panasonic camera. This has certainly become my new favourite go to lens!

2 people found this helpful


5.0 out of 5 stars Lentille presque légendaire

Reviewed in Canada on September 5, 2019

C'est ma deuxième. La première, le modèle original, a cessé de fonctionner mystérieusement. Malgré cela j'en ai acheté une autre, ce qui en dit long sur cette lentille.

2.0 out of 5 stars 2.5 Stars - Not happy

Reviewed in Canada on August 31, 2019

Today I just received my 20mm Panasonic lens and while I've only had it for a brief time, I am not happy with it. Upon arrival, my courier had dropped my package off on my front porch unattended for more than an hour. A $400+ product unattended is quite concerning for me.

When opening my package I found out that the original Panasonic 20mm lens box had been opened already. On top of that, the lens seems to be lightly used already. I found specks of dust on the front glass lens, near the filter threading and small cosmetic scuffs in between its focus ring / front body lens. However, the most upsetting part of this lens for me is the sound it makes when trying to focus. I am not sure if this is a defective or damaged item since it is making these odd motor sounds when trying to autofocus.

Whether it is focusing on stills or video, the motor of this lens creates a noticeable sound. This is really unattractive for me, and comparing my experiences when using my friends Panasonic 20mm lens, theirs do not make such an unwanted noise. This sound does not stop when taking pictures. When pressing my shutter button halfway to hunt images in focus, the motor has a continuous loop of winding/ticking sounds. With that said, the autofocus itself is not the best. It takes a while to autofocus and can be inaccurate when tracking moving objects.

Though I will be returning this, the image quality and bokeh is great considering its price point. The IQ is sharp and bokeh is quite smooth.

3.0 out of 5 stars Good image quality and extremely slow focusing speed

Reviewed in Canada on December 16, 2021

This is a light, compact and sharp biscuit lens, but when mounted on my Pen-f body, its slow and indecisive focus is disappointing.

Panasonic 20mm f1.7 ม อสอง เช ยงใหม

3.0 out of 5 stars Good image quality and extremely slow focusing speed Reviewed in Canada on December 16, 2021

This is a light, compact and sharp biscuit lens, but when mounted on my Pen-f body, its slow and indecisive focus is disappointing.