She was a little older than he ม งงะ

(Duh duh duh duh, duh duh duh duh) You're travelling through another Junji Ito horror manga, a manga not only of panels and word balloons but of lunacy. A demented journey into an hysterical land whose boundaries are that of imagination and page counts. That's the creepy signpost up ahead - your next stop, the Liminal Zone!

Junji Ito’s back with a new collection of longish short horror manga, The Liminal Zone, and, while never boring, all four stories are kinda… stupid.

I mention some details of the stories below so I’ll say SPOILERS at the top - this is one for fans of Ito only, who’ll perhaps be more forgiving of his bonkers plotting and might even have developed a taste for it over the years.

Weeping Woman Way is about a town of women who can’t stop crying and take the main character’s girlfriend as their weeping leader… for reasons?

Madonna is about a corrupt Catholic school where the (of course, because it’s Catholic) pervy principal keeps taking wives to be his Mary Madonna. Again, y’know, for reasons.

The Spirit Flow of Aokigahara is about a suicidal couple who bathe in a river of souls (as you do) in the famous “Suicide Forest” at the base of Mount Fuji - which changes them in weird ways.

And finally Slumber is about a guy who thinks he might be a SECRET SERIAL KILLER. I know, I’m laughing too. And, no, there is no story here called “The Liminal Zone” or any mention of what that is. Brilliant.

The stories are all unpredictable but only because Ito doesn’t let things like explanations get in the way of telling his stories. So the people at the Catholic school are turning into salt because something like that happened in the Bible, and one of the women has superpowers, because why not? Who cares what the “spirit flow” is, it’s just there and doing stuff! How does the serial killer manage to transplant his memories to the innocent guy? Ahhh, come on, it’s just fun! Etc., etc.

Ito is surprisingly honest about how weakly his stories are constructed too. From his afterword: “Perhaps I’m tired after drawing manga for years on end. I’m out of good ideas. The stories in this book were created drawing on ideas that I’d left unused in an old notebook of possible topics.” He then goes on to describe “Madonna” as a “silly idea” and “The Spirit Flow of Aokigahara” as “too absurdly science fiction” and “deeply bizarre.” I concur.

Still, the stories are undeniably original and I was interested enough to see where they were headed - none of it made sense but it was imaginative and intermittently entertaining nonsense at least. And Ito’s art is the best it’s ever been - he’s a much better artist than he is a writer, and the serial killer’s face in Slumber is genuinely unsettling.

The Liminal Zone isn’t among Junji Ito’s better collections but I doubt that’ll stop his many fans from picking it up anyway. If you’re interested in this creator’s horror manga, I recommend checking out his better books like Shiver, Frankenstein, Gyo, and Uzumaki instead.

She was a little older than he ม งงะ

1,353 reviews27.7k followers

March 21, 2023

This is probably my least favorite Junji Ito so far 😭 it’s a collection of four short stories, and I didn’t find any of the stories particularly interesting. There was a few good ideas, I think the first two are better than the last two, but overall it’s very forgettable and feels uninspired.

2-star-books adult disappointed

She was a little older than he ม งงะ

1,764 reviews5,798 followers

June 21, 2022

This was absolutely incredible and probably my favorite Junji Ito book thus far. The Liminal Zone is a collection of a few different stories, as many of Junji's works are, and these stories share in the bizarre, messed up, outlandish nature that his stories typically do, but something about these really shone for me.

'Weeping Woman Way' features a couple who come across a town that seems to still utilize the old, mostly forgotten tradition of "weeping women" (professional mourners) at funerals, but after coming in contact with one of the weeping women, Mako finds herself inconsolably sad. The depictions of the weeping women were so chilling and fascinating, and I really loved the idea of this corpse that continues to weep long past her death.

'Madonna' is a religious horror story featuring some incredibly messed up zealots who believe they are on a personal mission to find the reincarnation of the virgin Mary, and I loved the way the ending played out and the twists in this one. Junji Ito has toyed with religious themes in some of his previous works, but this was definitely my favorite example of that theme in his writing so far.

'The Spirit Flow of Aokigahara' follows a couple's trip to Aokigahara's infamous "Suicide Forest" after one member of the couple has been diagnosed with a terminal illness. Once arriving in the forest, the two find an unexplainable source of spiritual activity that draws Norio in and begins to create bizarre changes in him. This felt like the most classically familiar style of story from the collection, as it deals with some really bizarre elements and artwork later in the story that were highly unnerving!

'Slumber' is about a young man who has memories of murder every morning when he wakes, but otherwise has no recollection of planning the murders, nor does he have a motive. This was my least favorite in the collection, but I still thoroughly enjoyed it — I only wish there had been a little more explanation regarding the twist, but I've long since learned that sometimes, with Junji's work, you just have to go with the flow!

I highly recommend The Liminal Zone to any horror manga lovers, whether you're brand new to Junji Ito books or have read all of his previous works. Again, I'd say this was my favorite of his books yet, and it made me extremely excited to see what he writes next!

✨ Content warnings for:

Thank you to the publisher for the review copy! All thoughts are honest and my own.

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adult collections graphics

She was a little older than he ม งงะ

Author 6 books17.9k followers

July 19, 2022

As always, Junji Ito does manga body horror that is enthralling, unsettling and utterly bonkers. I'm not sure I would recommend it as a first read if you're new to him but if you know what you're getting into it will scratch that fucked-up itch in your head that wants to know that there are people out there that are stranger than you are.

Also, you're supposed to say, "Wait. What?" at least 5 times in every one of his books, right? Because if not, I'm reading them wrong.

She was a little older than he ม งงะ

403 reviews

October 22, 2021

El tomo está compuesto por cuatro historias que tratan temas directamente relacionados a esa delgada línea que separa el mundo de los vivos y el de los muertos.


▪️La Cuesta de las Plañideras.

Trata sobre el tema de las mujeres que lloran en los funerales, llevándolo a un extremo lleno de lágrimas, locura y a un extraño pueblo con un altar muy peculiar. Una pareja viaja a una ciudad, se encuentran con un funeral en el que hay una mujer que llora desconsoladamente, afectando de alguna forma a nuestra protagonista.

▪️La Madona

María llega a una nueva escuela católica en la que los rituales son muy específicos y el fanatismo es abrumador. La esposa del director, muy estricta, se viste como si de la virgen María se tratara y el director tiene un grupo especial, para quienes solo considera merecedores. Pero algo más extraño está pasando, hay algo saliendo los oídos de las alumnas.

▪️La Corriente Espectral de Aokigahara

Una pareja se va al bosque de los suicidas, ya que él está muy enfermo y han decidió ir a morir juntos. Al llegar allá se encuentran con una extraña luz que cambiará el curso de sus deseos y de su objetivo.

▪️El Duermevela

Takuya sueña todo el tiempo con que mata a personas, lo ve y escucha todo, hasta esa siniestra canción, y cuando despierta se da cuenta que esos asesinatos sí han ocurrido en la realidad.

Tomo entretenido y bizarro, que se mueve entre lo fantasmagórico, lo real e irreal, la locura absoluta con sus toques de humor negro y macabro

En general, me ha gustado, cada historia tiene lo suyo y dan ganas de seguir leyéndola, el dibujo como siempre es espectacular con escenas impactantes y escalofriantes.

Es un manga que sí recomiendo del autor, a pesar que tiene mejores, considero que las historias son llamativas y podrían gustarle a muchas personas no tan acostumbradas a lo bizarro y extremo que crea Junji ito, a pesar que si contiene escenas impactantes.

junji-ito mangas

She was a little older than he ม งงะ

199 reviews36 followers

October 22, 2022

Not his strongest work artistically, but I’m not so heartless as to not be won over by extremely heavy-handed christian symbolism and then also a woman looking vaguely uncomfortable that her boyfriend went out into the woods and became the smoothest, slipperiest, most fuckable twink alive

She was a little older than he ม งงะ

2,299 reviews3,392 followers

November 5, 2022

4.5 stars This was such a solid collection of four horror manga short stories. I have been hit or miss with some of Junji it's most recent translation but I loved this one. The weeping women and the serial killer stories were great but my favourite story by a long shot involved the Catholic girls boarding school. So creepy and so topical!

2022-releases horror manga

She was a little older than he ม งงะ

977 reviews2,787 followers

September 15, 2022

In comparison to his last tale collection, this series was a really excellent effort. The tales were absurd, as one would anticipate from Junji Ito. I now have read most of his works including this one.

Weeping woman way :- 3.5 stars

-The title uses alliteration beautifully. In India, particularly in rural regions, the idea of the crying woman is still widely accepted. They go by the name Rudaali and dress in full black, much like in this tale. I had no idea that Japan also used this idea. As for the narrative, it was as good as can be expected from Mr. Ito. They claimed that his earlier short stories lacked the junji Ito touch, but I believe this collection will change their minds.

Madonna :- 3 stars

-Retribution is best served salted. What was this story? lots of religious material I'll be honest—I don't understand stories about cults and religion. It is absurd, but it does happen frequently to brainwash a large number of people into believing something.

The spirit flow of aokigahara :- 3 stars

-The streamlined body is actually quite humorous. Nevertheless, the narrative was quite pedestrian, and the conclusion left us a little unsatisfied, but I believe this is typical of Junji Ito's work.

Slumber :- 4 stars

-Oh my goodness, it was actually pretty interesting. The idea of memories passing from a murderer to another person's mind is similar to maintaining a legacy. Sick.

junji-ito manga-hwa-hua mystery-thriller-horror

She was a little older than he ม งงะ

353 reviews175 followers

April 4, 2023

The Liminal Zone is a collection that consists of four horror stories; Weeping Woman Way, Madonna, The Spirit Flow of Aokigahara and Slumber.

Weeping Woman Way genuinely sent a shudder up my spine with some of the imagery! Imagine if you couldn’t stop crying uncontrably?! Madonna is an extreme religion horror story, with a “angry witch woman” and a Bloody Mary statue (blood leaks from her eyes). The Spirit Flow Of Aokigahara asks the question; would you jump into a never-ending stream of spirits? Would you give yourself completely to the spirit flow? 👻 tw:// suicide Slumber; ”The moment you wake up in the morning, you forget all of the unpleasant things of everyday life and are immersed in a feeling of pure bliss, but memories of harsh reality quickly come back to you”. but what if these memories were of murdering someone? 🔪

You can always count on a Junji Ito compendium to be good. This was a fine collection of short horror stories and for that I award it 4 Stars.

manga physical-copy-owned

She was a little older than he ม งงะ

5,747 reviews208 followers

September 22, 2022

Junji Ito laments in his afterword that he is out of good ideas and these short stories are the dregs of unused topics jotted in a notebook when he was younger. Ironically, I like this book better than the last few of his I've read.

As always, Ito's stories are carried by the twisted art, but here the scripts actually try to carry their weight too. I do think there is a bingo square or drinking game to be made of how often Ito's hapless female protagonists are picked up and carried, but after ticking off that quirk a time or two, he does manage to insert one woman in the final story who isn't entirely passive, which was a welcome surprise.


Contents: Weeping Woman Way Madonna The Spirit Flow of Aokigahara Slumber Afterword

She was a little older than he ม งงะ

2,150 reviews134 followers

July 31, 2022

"People know true sadness when they die. You understand that sadness. The tears that pour from your eyes are those of the dead."

The master of horror manga is back with a four short story blood-curdling release. We expect wide-eyed terror when we read his books but this is something more than that. This hits deep down to your core as you reread some parts because of how f**ked up it all was.

This was a phenomenal release and now one of my favorites. The more I think about this, the more I love it. It was weird and dark in the best blood drenching ways. A must read for all horror manga fans.

We all know that Ito never disappoints.

She was a little older than he ม งงะ

108 reviews17 followers

February 6, 2023

La cuesta de las plañideras: 4 ⭐ Historia original e imaginativa. Me gustó que centrase el relato en la figura de la plañidera.

La Madona: 4 ⭐ Una mezcla de terror con lo religioso que disfruté mucho.

La corriente espectral de Aokigahara: 3 ⭐ Meh. No me entusiasmó. No tenía muchos elementos de terror.

El duermevela: 5 ⭐ Las historias de asesinos en serie y psicópatas me fascinan, y es la que más me gustó del recopilatorio.


She was a little older than he ม งงะ

1,814 reviews4,913 followers

July 4, 2022

The Liminal Zone is a collection of new stories, written during the Covid-19 pandemic and originally serialised on a manga app in 2020. It should be the polar opposite of the last Junji Ito book I read, Deserter, which collected stories from earlier in his career – but in fact they feel like two sides of the same coin, in the sense that neither represent the artist/author’s strongest work. The Liminal Zone also feels comparatively slight, with just four stories. ‘Weeping Woman Way’ follows a couple whose lives are transformed after they visit a village which continues the tradition of employing professional mourners at funerals. ‘Madonna’ is set at a religious boarding school for girls, where the principal’s wife takes a disturbing interest in a new student. In ‘Slumber’, aspiring lawyer Takuya becomes convinced he’s murdering people in his sleep. My favourite of the four was ‘The Spirit Flow of Aokigahara’, which features a terminally ill young man and his girlfriend visiting Aokigahara – the famous ‘suicide forest’ – with the intention of dying together. But instead they find a mysterious ‘spirit flow’. The changes wrought by this power are genuinely creepy, epitomising the body horror and general sense of squeamishness Junji Ito’s work is famous for.

It’s difficult to fault the art – there are some striking illustrations in here, most notably in ‘Slumber’, where the simplicity of the plot fits well with stark black-and-white imagery. But I wasn’t thrilled or disturbed by anything except the effects of the spirits in ‘The Spirit Flow of Aokigahara’, and that detail was the only thing I remembered clearly after finishing the book. I revisited the 2019 collection Smashed just after reading this, and it really reminded me just how superior the earlier VIZ Media collections were to the more recent output.

I received an advance review copy of The Liminal Zone from the publisher through Edelweiss.

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2022-release edelweiss ghosts-and-horror

She was a little older than he ม งงะ

Author 17 books1,145 followers

August 20, 2022


Fucking weird as hell. Virgin Mary, people turning into salt, crazy murderers, and an insane story about weeping people. Some work, some don't, art work is always great.

She was a little older than he ม งงะ

Author 34 books669 followers


October 4, 2023

More creepy weird manga from the master of creepy weird manga.

She was a little older than he ม งงะ

582 reviews521 followers

December 29, 2022

3.5 ⭐️ rounded up!

This is a creepy, trippy collection. The art is FANTASTIC. Sometimes when the story is trippy, so is the art, and it makes it hard to follow, but not in this case! The stories themselves are all so different and unsettling.

A ranking of the stories:

1. Weeping Woman Way (SO scary and unique and would make SUCH A GOOD HORROR MOVIE)

2. Madonna (gross and def got to my religious trauma!)

3. Slumber (a bit of a mindf*ck!)

4. The Spirit Flow of Aokigahara (I did not like the “streamlined” bodies)

She was a little older than he ม งงะ

206 reviews147 followers


April 1, 2023

I picked up the book because the girl on the cover reminded me of Tomie.

Yes. It has Ito's signature horrifying art style with dark themes, but I am not really scared. 😅

She was a little older than he ม งงะ

She was a little older than he ม งงะ

102 reviews24 followers

August 14, 2022

Rounding this up with the knowledge that while I did like the book, the first two stories I thought were much more entertaining than the last two.


She was a little older than he ม งงะ

280 reviews6 followers

May 24, 2023

Not that terrific in comparison to his other works. Out of four stories, First two were good in the beginning. But not that intense.

She was a little older than he ม งงะ

858 reviews928 followers

January 23, 2023

2.5 stars

Oh dear. This collection of short stories by Ito sadly fell short for me :/ I found there wasn’t much substance to half the stories and considering there were only 4 stories, that’s saying something. In my opinion, these tales were overly drawn out especially in the cases Of Madonna and The Spirit Flow. My favourite story was the last one - Slumber, which was very psychologically creepy *shudders* and I found the ‘twist’ pretty clever. Women weeping way was also a strong offering with some particularly vivid imagery and a unique inclusion of weeping women which is something I personally haven’t encountered before. Having read Ito’s afterword, he does state that he is running out of ideas after having written horror stories for many years now and sadly, I think it shows in this collection.


She was a little older than he ม งงะ

691 reviews13 followers

July 7, 2023

Flying through these books! Of all I've read so far of this authors work, this collection is my least favourite. It's a book of two halves, the first two stores, the weeping woman and Madonna are clear winners. The other two, to me, didn't feel like the authors usual style. This didn't stop me from reading them or enjoying the OUTSTANDING artwork.

She was a little older than he ม งงะ

242 reviews18 followers

April 14, 2023

Like always, Junji Ito is fantastic <3

She was a little older than he ม งงะ

3,422 reviews71 followers

July 31, 2022

Although he doesn't mention it in his afterword, the theme of this Junji Ito collection really feels like "folklore." The first story, "Weeping Woman Way," draws on the idea of professional mourners and myths of the Banshee (and other creepy weepers from folklore around the world) to create a story that feels at once unique and very familiar. Ito says that the idea of tear tracks was behind this, and I know I won't be referring to the dark lines beside my cats' noses as those ever again.

"Weeping Woman Way" is the strongest of the four tales included, though all are interesting in their own rights. "The Spirit Flow of Aokigahara" is a very different take on the so-called Suicide Forest, turning it into a strange purgatory of people addicted to the strange powers that come from a mysterious cave within. "Slumber" is probably the weakest, although it's plot of a deranged therapist who links with others to share his crimes is an interesting one. "Madonna" takes the mythology of both Lot's wife and the Virgin Mary as its base, and while I enjoyed the way Ito plays with both, I'm also not Christian, and I suspect that devout followers of that religion may find the story uncomfortable.

All in all another solid piece of horror despite Ito's concerns. I can't wait to see what he does with the pandemic once he feels he can write about it.

fairy-tales-and-folklore horror manga

She was a little older than he ม งงะ

458 reviews109 followers

July 10, 2022

สำหรับเล่ม 'ดิน แดน ลวง หลอน' นี้ เป���นรวมเรื่องสั้น 4 เรื่อง จบในเล่ม แนวหลอนๆ ตามสไตล์ของอาจารย์จุนจิ ในเล่มประกอบไปด้วยเรื่อง 'หญิงร่ำไห้', 'มาดอนนา แม่มดพิโรธ', 'สายธารวิญญาณแห่งอาโอกิงาฮาระ' และ 'งัวเงีย'

สามเรื่องแรกมีความเกี่ยวโยงกับความเชื่อและพิธีกรรมเชิงศาสนา หญิงร่ำไห้ที่ร้องไห้เพื่อทำพาความโศกมาหาทุกคน มาดอนนาผู้เป็นเหมือนผู้นำทางความเชื่อบางอย่าง และสารธารวิญญาณที่เป็นเหมือนสายน้ำที่พัดพาดวงวิญญาณทั้งหลายไปยังสถานที่แห่งหนึ่งที่ไกลพ้น

แต่เรื่องทึ่สี่ จะแตกต่างออกไป กลายเป็นแนว psychological thriller ที่มีความลึกลับชวนค้นหาความจริง และเน้นไปทางปริศนา จิตวิทยา และการฆาตกรรมเสียมากกว่า

ส่วนตัว เล่มนี้เราชอบ 'หญิงร่ำไห้' และ 'งัวเงีย' มากที่สุด มีความหลอนและสนุกแบบไม่หลุดธีมไม่หลุดเค้าโครงเรื่องที่วางไว้ตอนเปิดเรื่องเท่าไหร่ แต่สำหรับอีกสองเรื่อง ก็หลอนดีอยู่นะ แต่ในขณะเดียวกันก็มีความอิหยังวะมากพอสมควร แต่ได้แหละ โอเคแหละ ยังไงก็รักงานของอาจารย์เหมือนเดิม 5555555