Ragnarok m moon night legend อล ม เน ยม

Clearing the minstrel quests in Prontera, Izlude, Geffen, and Morroc were all straightforward. But once you’re in Payon, you’ll encounter a quest called Moon Night Legend, where the Minstrel asks you for a Normal Precision stone.

There are two ways to acquire this.

Buy from the Exchange

Talk to the Big Cat Man Exchange Clerk. Search for the name of the item and if someone is selling it, it should appear in the results. The bigger the supply is, the more likely that the price will go down. At 999+ supply, it costs 91,000 zeny.

Craft Your Own

The second way is to craft your own, but only if you are a blacksmith. Blacksmiths are the only ones who can make these precision stones. You just need to add skill points to Magic Rock Refining. But wait, there’s more. You need to add not just one, but FIVE skill points to this skill if you want to craft a single Normal Precision stone.

Is it worth it to craft your own precision stone?

If you are crafting this stones only for this sole quest — no. As a blacksmith, you would need to add at least 5 skill points to Magic Rock Refining before you can craft a Normal Precision stone. If you intend to sell it, then go ahead, but as I see it, there are already hundreds available in the Exchange and selling more will just make prices go down.

Not to mention that you need the following items to craft 1 normal precision stone:

  1. Topaz x1
  2. Gold Sand x1
  3. Black Magic Ore x1
  4. Magic Gear Fuel x3

I am building a battle merchant and in my greediness to sell precision stones for this quest, I added 1 skill point to Magic Stone Refining, only to find out that I would need to add 4 more skills points to profit.

Code { "Hp": 1026000, "id": 10338, "Agi": 159, "Atk": 3465, "Def": 2689, "Dex": 188, "Hit": 573, "Luk": 140, "Str": 175, "Body": 10660, "Desc": " ## 1164540", "Flee": 353, "Icon": "Farmiliar_R1", "MAtk": 1965, "MDef": 1106, "Race": "Brute", "Zone": "Field", "Level": 170, "Scale": 1, "Shape": "S", "AtkSpd": 1.2, "JobExp": 4460, "NameZh": "月夜蝙蝠", "Nature": "Shadow", "BaseExp": 7307, "MoveSpd": 90, "ShowName": 0, "Behaviors": 3, "ClassType": 1, "PassiveLv": 40, "Dead_Reward": [ 12770 ], "MoveSpdRate": 1, "Race_Parsed": 1, "DropShowType": 1, "LoadShowPose": [ 0, 0, 0 ], "LoadShowSize": 1, "MonsterSkill": 10043, "Nature_Parsed": 7, "LoadShowRotate": 0, "HeadDefaultColor": 0, "DefaultRolePartID": 1166 }

In the quest Moon Night Legend in Payon, you were asked by the NPC Bonin Magnus Mintrel to collect 1 Normal Precision Stone. A lot of players have problem looking for this stone, and clueless where to get it.

The Normal Precision Stone is only available for Blacksmith forging and in Exchange. If you have different job, the only way to obtain it is via the Exchange, it cost around 78,138 Zeny as the moment of writing this post.

Getting from Exchange

Go to the nearest Exchange NPC, then go to Item > Potion / Effect. Find the Normal Precision Stone.

Getting from Blacksmith’s Forging

You can obtain this stone from collecting the following item:

  • Topaz (0/1) – Deniro Lv. 40 (Ant Hell), Anubis Lv. 70 (The Ruins of Valhalla Guild), Maya Lv. 60 (The Ruins of Valhalla Guild)
  • Gold Sand (0/1) – Giearth Lv. 48 (Ant Hell), Metaller Lv. 58 (North Gate)
  • See screenshot for the other item (On going, check our site for the update)..





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