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a brief, sharp sound: The click of her heels was heard on the stairs.; to press a computer button: click on “open”

Not to be confused with:

clique – exclusive group of friends or associates: The members formed a clique.

Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree




1. A brief, sharp sound: the click of a door latch.

2. A mechanical device, such as a pawl, that snaps into position.

3. Computers

a. An instance of pressing down and releasing a button on a mouse or other input device.

b. An instance of selecting an item in a website or app by clicking or tapping on a mouse, touchscreen, or other input device.

4. Linguistics Any of various implosive stops, such as that of English tsk, produced by raising the back of the tongue to make contact with the palate and simultaneously closing the lips or touching the teeth or alveolar ridge with the tip and sides of the tongue, and found as phonemic consonants especially in the Khoisan and some Bantu languages. Also called suction stop. See Usage Note at !Kung.

v. clicked, click·ing, clicks


1. To produce a click or series of clicks.

2. Computers

a. To press and release a button on a mouse or other input device.

b. To select an item in a webpage or app by clicking or tapping a mouse, touchscreen, or other input device.

3. Slang

a. To have good social or working relations; hit it off: The director and producer clicked at the very start of the play.

b. To become clear; fall into place: The answer finally clicked, and I finished the crossword.

c. To be a great success: The play clicked on Broadway.

1. To cause to click, as by striking together: clicked his heels.

2. Computers

a. To press down and release (a button on an input device): clicked the left button on the mouse.

b. To press down and release a button on (an input device): clicked the mouse.

c. To select (an item in a webpage or app) by clicking or tapping a mouse, touchscreen, or other input device: To open the file, click the icon.


American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.




1. a short light often metallic sound

2. (Mechanical Engineering)

a. the locking member of a ratchet mechanism, such as a pawl or detent

b. the movement of such a mechanism between successive locking positions

3. (Phonetics & Phonology) phonetics any of various stop consonants, found in Khoisan and as borrowings in southern Bantu languages, that are produced by the suction of air into the mouth

4. (Units) slang US and Canadian a kilometre

5. (Computer Science) computing an act of pressing and releasing a button on a mouse


6. to make or cause to make a clicking sound: to click one's heels.

7. (Computer Science) (usually foll by on) computing to press and release (a button on a mouse) or to select (a particular function) by pressing and releasing a button on a mouse

8. (intr) slang to be a great success: that idea really clicked.

9. (intr) informal to become suddenly clear: it finally clicked when her name was mentioned.

10. (intr) slang to go or fit together with ease: they clicked from their first meeting.

[C17: of imitative origin]

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014




1. a slight, sharp sound: the click of a latch.

2. a small device for preventing backward movement of a mechanism, as a detent or pawl.

3. any of a variety of ingressive, usu. implosive, speech sounds, phonemic in some languages, produced by suction occlusion and plosive or affricative release.

4. any of a variety of sounds used in calling or urging on horses or other animals, in expressing reprimand or sympathy, or produced in audible kissing.

5. Informal. a sudden insight or realization.


6. to emit or make a slight, sharp sound, or series of such sounds, as by the cocking of a pistol.

7. Informal.

a. to succeed; make a hit.

b. to fit together; function well together: Their personalities don't really click.

c. to become suddenly clear or intelligible.

8. Computers. to depress and release a mouse button rapidly, as to select an icon.


9. to cause to click.

10. to strike together with a click: He clicked his heels and saluted.

[1575–85; perhaps imitative; compare Dutch klick (n.), klikken (v.)]

click′er, n.

click′less, adj.

Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: clicked
Gerund: clicking
I click
you click
he/she/it clicks
we click
you click
they click
I clicked
you clicked
he/she/it clicked
we clicked
you clicked
they clicked
Present Continuous
I am clicking
you are clicking
he/she/it is clicking
we are clicking
you are clicking
they are clicking
Present Perfect
I have clicked
you have clicked
he/she/it has clicked
we have clicked
you have clicked
they have clicked
Past Continuous
I was clicking
you were clicking
he/she/it was clicking
we were clicking
you were clicking
they were clicking
Past Perfect
I had clicked
you had clicked
he/she/it had clicked
we had clicked
you had clicked
they had clicked
I will click
you will click
he/she/it will click
we will click
you will click
they will click
Future Perfect
I will have clicked
you will have clicked
he/she/it will have clicked
we will have clicked
you will have clicked
they will have clicked
Future Continuous
I will be clicking
you will be clicking
he/she/it will be clicking
we will be clicking
you will be clicking
they will be clicking
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been clicking
you have been clicking
he/she/it has been clicking
we have been clicking
you have been clicking
they have been clicking
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been clicking
you will have been clicking
he/she/it will have been clicking
we will have been clicking
you will have been clicking
they will have been clicking
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been clicking
you had been clicking
he/she/it had been clicking
we had been clicking
you had been clicking
they had been clicking
I would click
you would click
he/she/it would click
we would click
you would click
they would click
Past Conditional
I would have clicked
you would have clicked
he/she/it would have clicked
we would have clicked
you would have clicked
they would have clicked

Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011

ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

Noun 1.
Click & collect คืนสินค้า supersport
click - a short light metallic sound  


sound - the sudden occurrence of an audible event; "the sound awakened them"

2. click - a stop consonant made by the suction of air into the mouth (as in Bantu)

suction stop

occlusive, plosive, plosive consonant, plosive speech sound, stop consonant, stop - a consonant produced by stopping the flow of air at some point and suddenly releasing it; "his stop consonants are too aspirated"

Click & collect คืนสินค้า supersport
click - a hinged catch that fits into a notch of a ratchet to move a wheel forward or prevent it from moving backward

detent, pawl, dog

catch, stop - a restraint that checks the motion of something; "he used a book as a stop to hold the door open"

rachet, ratch, ratchet - mechanical device consisting of a toothed wheel or rack engaged with a pawl that permits it to move in only one direction

Click & collect คืนสินค้า supersport
click - depression of a button on a computer mouse; "a click on the right button for example"

mouse click

depression - pushing down; "depression of the space bar on the typewriter"

Verb 1. click - move or strike with a noise; "he clicked on the light"; "his arm was snapped forward"


move - move so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion; "He moved his hand slightly to the right"

2. click - make a clicking or ticking sound; "The clock ticked away"


sound, go - make a certain noise or sound; "She went `Mmmmm'"; "The gun went `bang'"

3. click - click repeatedly or uncontrollably; "Chattering teeth"


sound, go - make a certain noise or sound; "She went `Mmmmm'"; "The gun went `bang'"

4. click - cause to make a snapping sound; "snap your fingers"

flick, snap

move - move so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion; "He moved his hand slightly to the right"

5. click - produce a click; "Xhosa speakers click"

enounce, enunciate, pronounce, sound out, articulate, say - speak, pronounce, or utter in a certain way; "She pronounces French words in a funny way"; "I cannot say `zip wire'"; "Can the child sound out this complicated word?"

6. click - make a clucking sounds, characteristic of hens

cluck, clack

let loose, let out, utter, emit - express audibly; utter sounds (not necessarily words); "She let out a big heavy sigh"; "He uttered strange sounds that nobody could understand"

Click & collect คืนสินค้า supersport
click - become clear or enter one's consciousness or emotions; "It dawned on him that she had betrayed him"; "she was penetrated with sorrow"

come home, dawn, fall into place, sink in, get across, penetrate, get through

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.



1. snap, beat, tick, clack I heard a click and then the telephone message started to play.


2. (Informal) become clear, come home (to), make sense, fall into place When I saw the TV report, it all suddenly clicked.

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



1. To make a light, sharp noise:

2. Slang. To turn out well:

3. Slang. To interact with another or others in a meaningful fashion:

The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.










찰깍 소리가 나다찰깍하는 소리


klakšķētklakšķisklikšķētklikšķissasist papēžus


klicka tillknäpp


'çıt' etmek'çıt' sesi'klik'tıktıkırdamak

kêu lách cáchtiếng lách cách

Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005




(= became clear) it suddenly clicked → ça a fait tilt

n (= noise) → bruit m sec

click on

vt fus (COMPUTING) [+ icon] → cliquer sur

Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005




(inf: = be understood) → funken (inf); suddenly it all clicked (into place)plötzlich hatte es gefunkt (inf)

(inf: = get on well) → funken (inf); they clicked right from the moment they first metzwischen ihnen hatte es vom ersten Augenblick an gefunkt (inf); some people you click with straight awaymit manchen Leuten versteht man sich auf Anhieb

(inf: = catch on) → ankommen (inf) → (with bei)



Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(klik) noun

a short, sharp sound, like that of a light-switch being turned on. the click of the camera.


to (cause to) make such a sound. The soldier clicked his heels together; The gate clicked.

Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


طَقْطَقَة, يُطَقْطِقُ cvaknout, cvaknutí klik, klikke Klicken κάνω κλικ, κλικ chasquear, chasquido naksahdus, naksahtaa clic, cliquer škljocaj, škljocati clic, cliccare カチッという音, カチッと鳴る 찰깍 소리가 나다, 찰깍하는 소리 klik, klikken klikk, klikke kliknąć, kliknięcie clicar, clique щелкать, щелчок klicka till, knäpp เกิดเสียงดังกริ๊ก, เสียงดังกริ๊ก tık, tıklamak kêu lách cách, tiếng lách cách 咔哒声, 点击

Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009

English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

What click means?

to carry out a computer operation by pressing a button on the mouse or keyboard: If you want to open a file, click twice on the icon for it.

What was the movie click about?

Michael Newman (Adam Sandler) seems to have it all but his wife, Donna (Kate Beckinsale), is increasingly frustrated by the amount of time he has to spend at work. Michael cannot find time to be at home until he meets an eccentric inventor (Christopher Walken) who gives him a universal remote that controls time. At first he happily skips the boring times until he realizes the remote is in control of his life and he learns to cherish all the precious moments with his family.Click / Film synopsisnull

Is click sad?

It's not just sad, it's brutal. There's an undercurrent of cold, detached cruelty in the way Michael uses the magical device. He turns off the volume during an argument with his wife. He fast-forwards through a boring family dinner, and later through foreplay.

Who is the wife in click?

The film co-stars Kate Beckinsale as his wife Donna and Christopher Walken as Morty, an eccentric stranger and apparent inventor.