Father & son พ อ-และ-ล กชาย เต ม-เร อง

“I think that Joe Biden will be the person to protect Anthony and those with preexisting conditions,” the father says.

  • Six unknowing months before the start of the Great Depression, my father arrived.
  • While DeFazio and other lawmakers haven’t called for a permanent grounding of the jet, the father of a woman who died in the Ethiopia crash said the report raised questions about the plane’s return to service.
  • I have been yelled at basically my entire life, from my father, my family, to high school.
  • Anthony Mallott said that no one asked his father to resign, and that he did so voluntarily.
  • What matters is being honest, humble, and a faithful and loyal friend, father and member of your community.
  • father Joel Román Salazar died in a car crash in 2013; his death was ruled an accident, but the suspicion of foul play persists.
  • Charles “father” Coughlin, a raving anti-Semite, was one of the most popular radio hosts in the country.
  • You will have your beloved father back sooner than you think, and you can visit and communicate with him all the while.
  • “There is a heavy security presence but nothing has changed,” agrees father Javier.
  • There was a rumor that Alessandro and his father had both died; but no one knew anything certainly. Ramona | Helen Hunt Jackson
  • And he was gone, and out of sight on the swift galloping Benito, before father Gaspara bethought himself. Ramona | Helen Hunt Jackson
  • At this same time they seized in Nangasaqui a servant of the father provincial, Matheo Couros, who was washing his clothes.
  • He wanted to tell her that if she called her father, it would mean the end of everything for them, but he withheld this.
  • The father had been in sore straits of mind, as month after month had passed without tidings of his "blessed child." Ramona | Helen Hunt Jackson

British Dictionary definitions for father (1 of 2)


  1. a male parent
  2. a person who founds a line or family; forefather
  1. any male acting in a paternal capacity: Related adjective: paternal
  2. (often capital) a respectful term of address for an old man
  3. a male who originates something: the father of modern psychology
  4. a leader of an association, council, etc; elder: a city father
  5. British the eldest or most senior member in a society, profession, etc: father of the bar
  6. (often plural) a senator or patrician in ancient Rome
  7. the father of informal a very large, severe, etc, example of a specified kind: the father of a whipping


  1. to procreate or generate (offspring); beget
  2. to create, found, originate, etc
  1. to act as a father to
  2. to acknowledge oneself as father or originator of
  3. (foll by on or upon) to impose or place without a just reason

Origin of father


Old English fæder; related to Old Norse fathir, Old Frisian feder, Old High German fater, Latin pater, Greek patēr, Sanskrit pitr

Derived forms of father

  • fathering, noun

British Dictionary definitions for Father (2 of 2)


  1. God, esp when considered as the first person of the Christian Trinity
  2. Also called: Church Father any of the writers on Christian doctrine of the pre-Scholastic period
  1. a title used for Christian priests

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Other Idioms and Phrases with father

see like father, like son.

The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

Led by stellar performances and artfully helmed by writer-director Florian Zeller, The Father presents a devastatingly empathetic portrayal of dementia. Read critic reviews

With Anthony Hopkins and Olivia Colman delivering some of the best work of their careers, The Father does a heartbreakingly effective job of realistically depicting dementia. Read audience reviews

Father & son พ อ-และ-ล กชาย เต ม-เร อง
Father & son พ อ-และ-ล กชาย เต ม-เร อง
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Father & son พ อ-และ-ล กชาย เต ม-เร อง
Father & son พ อ-และ-ล กชาย เต ม-เร อง
Father & son พ อ-และ-ล กชาย เต ม-เร อง
Father & son พ อ-และ-ล กชาย เต ม-เร อง
Father & son พ อ-และ-ล กชาย เต ม-เร อง
Father & son พ อ-และ-ล กชาย เต ม-เร อง
Father & son พ อ-และ-ล กชาย เต ม-เร อง
Father & son พ อ-และ-ล กชาย เต ม-เร อง
Father & son พ อ-และ-ล กชาย เต ม-เร อง
The Father (2020)
Father & son พ อ-และ-ล กชาย เต ม-เร อง
The Father (2020)
Father & son พ อ-และ-ล กชาย เต ม-เร อง
The Father (2020)
Father & son พ อ-และ-ล กชาย เต ม-เร อง
The Father (2020)
Father & son พ อ-และ-ล กชาย เต ม-เร อง
The Father (2020)
Father & son พ อ-และ-ล กชาย เต ม-เร อง
The Father (2020)
Father & son พ อ-และ-ล กชาย เต ม-เร อง
The Father (2020)
Father & son พ อ-และ-ล กชาย เต ม-เร อง
The Father (2020)
Father & son พ อ-และ-ล กชาย เต ม-เร อง
The Father (2020)
Father & son พ อ-และ-ล กชาย เต ม-เร อง
The Father (2020)
Father & son พ อ-และ-ล กชาย เต ม-เร อง

Movie Info

Anthony (Academy Award Winner, Anthony Hopkins) is 80, mischievous, living defiantly alone and rejecting the carers that his daughter, Anne (Academy Award and Golden Globe Winner, Olivia Colman), encouragingly introduces. Yet help is also becoming a necessity for Anne; she can't make daily visits anymore and Anthony's grip on reality is unraveling. As we experience the ebb and flow of his memory, how much of his own identity and past can Anthony cling to? How does Anne cope as she grieves the loss of her father, while he still lives and breathes before her? THE FATHER warmly embraces real life, through loving reflection upon the vibrant human condition; heart-breaking and uncompromisingly poignant -- a movie that nestles in the truth of our own lives.

  • Rating:PG-13 (Thematic Material|Some Strong Language)
  • Genre: Drama
  • Original Language:English (United Kingdom)
  • Director: Florian Zeller
  • Producer: Jean-Louis Livi, Philippe Carcassonne, David Parfitt, Christophe Spadone, Simon Friend, Victor Livi
  • Writer: Christopher Hampton, Florian Zeller
  • Release Date (Theaters): Feb 26, 2021 limited
  • Release Date (Streaming): Mar 25, 2021
  • Box Office (Gross USA):$2.1M
  • Runtime: 1h 37m
  • Distributor: Sony Pictures Classics
  • Production Co: Cine@, Film 4, F Comme Film, Trademark Films, Les films du cru
  • Aspect Ratio: Scope (2.35:1)

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Critic Reviews for The Father

Audience Reviews for The Father

  • May 21, 2021 Like the play, the film adaptation does a good job of getting you in the headspace of someone losing their memory. Hopkins hasn't been this great in years. A truly moving and vulnerable performance.
    Father & son พ อ-และ-ล กชาย เต ม-เร อง
    Super Reviewer
  • Apr 14, 2021 "I feel as if I'm losing all my leaves." (Anthony Hopkins as The Father). What a devastating masterpiece. We often talk about the "unreliable narrator," but never in the context of someone that has dementia. An absolutely incredible performance by Anthony Hopkins. He's the front-runner in my mind now. Olivia Colman as always is also fantastic. This was not what I expected. So sad and so worth watching.
    Father & son พ อ-และ-ล กชาย เต ม-เร อง

Feb 27, 2021

The Father is the kind of movie I've been clamoring for years from Hollywood, an Alzheimer's empathy experiment using the rigors of a visual medium to place a viewer inside the mind of someone haunted by this debilitating mental illness. Film is inherently an immersive experience with a defined point of view, and I always thought it could be helpful in illuminating what it would be like to lose a sense of time, memory, and place as memories blend together and fragment. The Father is based on a play by director Florian Zeller. It's a deeply empathetic and heartbreaking experience that works as a puzzle to decode but also as a character piece on the end of one ordinary man's life. Not much is known about Anthony (Anthony Hopkins) before his gradual mental decline. He had an apartment he lived in for thirty years, there's definitely hints that a younger daughter had an accident and is no longer alive, and he listens to opera quite frequently. I think there's a benefit to the audience knowing so little of Anthony before his illness; we do not know what variation of this man is the honest, lucid version from before. We're only getting impressions and glimmers and some of them are non-linear, where we'll get the context of a scene after the start of a scene, so it challenges a viewer to be constantly trying to contextualize what we're seeing with what we know, and it's an ongoing puzzle to determine a slippery orientation. It makes for an engaging and constantly changing environment and one tailored to engrossing empathy. It sounds like the movie might be an overwhelming downer, and most assuredly it will leave an emotional devastation, but it's also a very fascinating experience. From the beginning, you're dropped into a scenario that announces to you not to fully trust your eyes and ears. You're trying to assess character relationships. Who is this woman? Is she Anthony's adult daughter Anne (Olivia Colman)? Is she a figment of his imagination? Is she the possibly dead daughter? Sometimes characters will be referred to by the same name but be played by different actors, and you must question which version was real, or whether either of them was? Is he projecting his dead daughter onto the face of another woman? Is he projecting an antagonistic man (Mark Gattis) onto the face of a former son-in-law (Rufus Sewell)? Which home is he in at this time? There is much to unpack here and I'm positive that additional viewings would unveil even more clues hiding in plain sight. I'm certain that the paintings on walls in backgrounds are regularly changing with the timeline, and this small detail of set design is never even emphasized. It's just one aspect of the presentation that has been thoughtfully developed to support its artistic vision. As one would expect from the premise and its beginnings as a play, this is an actor's showcase. Hopkins (The Two Popes) delivers one of the best performances of his storied career. We're so used to seeing Hopkins play men in control, dominating others. I even just re-watched him killing people in the shadows from 2001's Hannibal sequel. This is the most vulnerable the actor has ever been on screen, and I'll freely admit that by the end tears were streaming down my face as Anthony has descended into a childish state of need. Hopkins goes through a gamut of emotions and shifts rapidly. In one moment, he can be gregarious and charming, another cold and paranoid, cruel and cutting, but often he's confused and afraid. He's trying to maintain his dignity throughout. By being our focal point, we feel the same feelings that this elderly man is experiencing in this moment out of time. Colman (The Favourite) is also terrific as Anthony's put-upon daughter trying her best but reaching her limits. The accumulation of this man's experiences, and the weight of the burden on his family, is a devastating conclusion that reminds you what millions of families are going through every day. The trappings of plays adapted to film is the struggle to make them feel bigger than potent conversations happening in confined spaces. Zeller's debut as a director does a fine job of using the techniques of filmmaking to his advantage. With editing and camera placement, he can better orient or disorient an audience, and the impact of character changes has more intensity with our proximity to the actors themselves. The attention toward the visual parallels like hallway shots and people being confined to shadows present an extra layer of symbolism to be decoded. Zeller has clearly thought out how to transcend the stage and to use the immersion of film and freedom of being non-linear with editing to shape the presentation and make it even more effective. I'll be honest with you, dear reader, and that is that Alzheimer's terrifies me. We're all the accumulation of our memories and experiences, and to think those could be stripped away, muddled and tainted, and change your conception of self, well that is absolutely haunting. It's the kind of stuff that keeps me up at night, and while my maternal grandfather went through a spell of dementia before passing away at 92 years old, fortunately this illness does not run in my family. I have friends that are dealing with it currently with grandparents and it's like approaching death before the actual death, watching that version of the person you love shrink to the point where they have been replaced by a stranger, all the while you are helpless to thwart this process. For those people, The Father will hit close to home and might even be too much to handle. It's such an open-hearted and empathetic portrayal that puts you in the position of having to live with the ravages of Alzheimer's. It's so frustrating and confounding and sad, and yet film can open us all to the experiences of others like few other mediums, and The Father might be the closest any of us ever get to understanding what this terrible illness is like for those caught in its snare. It's a fantastic movie with fantastic performances but even more than that it's a wonderful experiment in empathy and understanding. Nate's Grade: A-

What it means to be a father?

“Fathers put others' needs before their own. They are willing to sacrifice their own comfort for the comfort of their family. Fathers should preside as equal partners with their spouses in the home. They are to protect their family from dangers. They are to provide for the needs of their spouses and family.

What is a good definition of father?

: a male parent. (2) : a man who has begotten a child. also : a male animal who has sired an offspring.

What is the original meaning of father?

'Father' comes from the Proto-Indo-European “pəter” and Old English 'fæder,' meaning “he who begets a child,” reflecting the baby-talk sound “pa” as well as a phonetic shift from 'p' to 'f' in Middle English. However, 'dad' did not evolve from 'father. ' “It's from 'dada,'” says Professor John H.

What are the 7 roles of a father?

Stephen Kendrick outlines seven roles that a father plays in the life of his family: provider, protector, leader, teacher, helper, encourager, and friend. When you think about your own father, which of these qualities did he do well?