2024 Jetpack has locked your sites login page ทำไม

Having your IP blacklisted by some SBL's will not cause Jetpack to block you from logging in; it's usually caused by many failed log-in attempts directly made on your site.

Could you please follow the steps mentioned below to unblock/whitelist yourself and see if it works?

Do let us know an update on how it goes, thanks a bunch!

Adding to this issue because it is a common fault. I am not associated with the OP.

I have had many reports of the same problem from multiple customers over the past 6 months or more. The IP detected by Protect is often not the real IP address of the site member at the time Protect blocks a login attempt made by a legitimate admin user. The blocked login attempt email, with recovery information, always (literally speaking) reports a different IP address to that detected by Google or other 'What's my IP?' services.

We use Cloudflare on all sites so could be that Protect is getting the real IP address too late for it to determine whether or not a login attempt is genuine.

I have begun to disable Protect in sites that show false positives. Switched to WP Bruiser instead. The same problem is not present for WP Bruiser.


Thanks for the feedback, and sorry to hear that Protect isn't working as expected.

If possible, could you let me know a sample IP address that was reported by Jetpack? We're looking into this issue and any further info would be very helpful. Thanks!

I believe

8322 is slightly interlinked to a similar issue.

I do, oddly enough. A small selection:


I'm not aware of the login error message referenced in

8322. No one has mentioned it to me. The report I receive usually follows the lines of Jetpack's locked me out again and the recovery link doesn't work. As I'm getting screenshots of the JP message I expect I would get screenshots of the error message as well, if it presented.

Thanks for the IPs! All of them except the last belongs to CloudFlare - this could indicate a problem with Protect with it being unable to detect proper X-Forwarded-For headers or the header itself isn't correctly set.

We're looking into it and will keep you posted. Thanks again.

You're welcome.

I thought that might be the issue. All these sites use Cloudflare with the Cloudflare (official) plugin installed.

@VR51 ~ We've been looking into these edge cases, and from the past complaints, the REMOTE_ADDR is actually reported wrong and I can see why Protect might default to something else.

Could you let us know a list of sites from those IP addresses? We can try to change our header detection that's suitable for the site in question. By doing this, if you were to switch hosts in the future, it might need to be readjusted. Let me know if you'd like us to try this.

If you prefer taking this over to a ticket, feel free to submit one from this form. Thanks a bunch!


Are you still facing the issue? Please reach out to us by filling this form - thank you too.

Thanks @abidhahmed. It is a nice offer but I won't take it up. I will continue to use alternatives to Protect in sites where Protect exhibits the fault.

That's a bummer, but we'd love to get you back on Protect @VR51 ~ in case you change your mind, do reach out.

We'll continue to investigate and see if this is a problem, and we'll update accordingly.

@VR51 We would need to know more about the sites where you are having this issue in order to run more tests. Without more information, we won't be able to confirm what is happening.