
1. "Buddhism has done more for the advance of world civilization and true culture than any other influences in the chronicles of mankind."
H.G. Wells (1866-1946)
"��оط���ʹ����з�����ҡ��觡����Է�Ծ����㴷���ҡ�㹻���ѵ���ʵ��ͧ����ªҵ� ���ͤ�������˹��������¸����ͧ�š����Ѳ�����������ԧ"

��оط���ʹ������ҧ��������˹�ҷҧ���¸����ͧ�š����Ѳ�����������ԧ��觡����Է�Ծ������ ����ѵ���ʵ��ͧ�š

�ͪ.��.����� (�.�.2409-2489) : �ѡ��оѹ�� �ѡ˹ѧ��� ��йѡ����ѵ���ʵ�� ����ѧ��� ���������������¹�ǹ���·ҧ�Է����ʵ��2. "The Buddha's moral code is the most perfect one which the world has ever known."
Professor Max Muller (1823-1900)



����� �������� (�.�.2366-2443) : ��ʵ�Ҩ����ҧ���ء����ʵ�����ѧ��ɼ���㹡���֡�Ҥ������ ����ǡѺ���ѹ�͡3. ''...He gave expression to truths of everlasting value and advanced the ethics of not India alone but of humanity. Buddha was one of the greatest ethical men of genius ever bestowed upon the world."
Albert Schwietzer (1875-1965)
"...���ͧ�� (��оط����) ��ç�ʴ��͡����Ѩ�����ѹ�դس����繹��ѹ�� �����������¸��� ����ͧ �Թ�����ҹ����ͧ����ªҵ� ����˹��� ��оط������˹��㹺�ô��Ѩ����������ҧ��Ÿ����������˭� ����š������"


������ ������� (�.�.2418-2508) : ᾷ�� �ѡ�͹��ʹ� �ѡ���Է�� ��йѡ����� ��ǽ�����ʼ�����Ѻ�ҧ�����ŷҧ�ѹ���Ҿ㹻դ.�.1952 (�.�.2495) 4. "Alone of all the great world religions,Buddhism made its way without persecution,censorship or inquisition. In all these respects its record is enormously superior to other religions, which made its way among people addicted to militarism."
Aldous Huxley (1894-1963)
"㹺�ô���ʹҷ������˭�ͧ�š������ ��оط���ʹ���§��ʹ����� ���Թ��»��Ȩҡ��� ��´��¹�ҧ��ʹ� ��õ�Ǩ�Ǻ��� ��С�ëѡ����ͺ�ǹ (������١�ع����
���˹�ҷ����Թ������� ����ҼԴ���ͤǺ������㴹Ѻ���) �������ҹ�����������ѵԢͧ��оط���ʹ�����˭��ҡ�˹����ʹ� ��蹫�觴��Թ�������ҧ��ЪҪ����Դ����Ѻ�к�����"

㹺�ô���ʹҷ���Ӥѭ ��оط���ʹ�����ʹ����Ƿ���غѵԢ����š �»��Ȩҡ�����´��¹����蹦�ҡѹ

��Ŵ�� �ѡ������(�.�.2437-2506) :  �ѡ�ǹ���ª���ѧ���
5. "As a student of comparative religions, I belive that Buddhism is the most perfect one the world has ever seen. The philosophy of the Buddha, the theory of evolution and the law of Karma were far superior to any other creed."
Professor Carl Gustav Jung(1875-1961)
"㹰ҹ��繹ѡ�֡����ʹ����º��º ��Ҿ���������� ��оط���ʹ�����ʹҷ������ó��ҡ����ش��ҷ���š �¾������ ��Ѫ�Ңͧ��оط���ҷ�ɮ����Ѳ�ҡ�� ��С���觡��� (�Ӵ���� �Ӫ��������) ����˭��˹�� �ѷ��������ҧ��ҧ��"

��оط���ʹ�����ʹҷ������ó��ҡ����ش ����˭��˹���ѷ�������ҷ���š�¾���

��ʵ�Ҩ���� ��� ��ʵҿ �ا(�.�. 2418-2504) :  �ѡ�Ե�Է�Ҫ��������
6. "Buddhism is a combination of both speculative and scientific philosophy. It advocates the scientific method and pursues that to a finality that may be called rationalistic. In it are to be found answers to such questions of interest as "What are mind and matter? Of them which is of greater importance? Is the Universe moving towards a goal? What is man's position? Is there living that is noble?" It takes up where science cannot lead because of the limitations of the latter's instruments. Its conquests are those of the mind." Bertrand Russell (1872-1970)
"��оط���ʹ��繡�������Ѫ��Ẻ�秤�����ԧ�Ѻ�Է����ʵ�� ��оط���ʹҹ��ʹѺʹع�Ըա�÷ҧ �Է����ʵ�� ��еԴ����Ըա�ù�鹨��֧����ش ����Ҩ���¡���������ʹ�����˵ؼ� 㹾�оط���ʹ� ��Ҩ��龺�ӵͺ�����ʹ� "�Ե㨡Ѻ�ѵ�ؤ������? �����ҧ�Ե㨡Ѻ�ѵ�ع�� ���ҧ�˹�Ӥѭ�ҡ���ҡѹ? �͡������͹��Ҩش���»��·ҧ�������?" ��оط���ʹҾٴ�֧����ͧ����Է����ʵ���ѧ�ӷҧ������ ���Ф����ӡѴ�������ͧ��ͧ͢�Է����ʵ�� ��ª�Тͧ��оط���ʹ��繪�ª�зҧ�Ե�"

��оط���ʹ�����ʹ�����˵ؼ� ����繪�ª�зҧ�Ե㨷��������ҧ �Է����ʵ��㹻Ѩ�غѹ�ѧ�ӷҧ����֧

�����ѹ�� �����(�.�.2415-2513)
�ѡ��Ѫ�� �ѡ��¹ �ѡ��Ե��ʵ�� ��йѡ������Ѵ��ҹ���ظ��������� ����ѧ��ɼ�����Ѻ�ҧ�����ŷҧ��ó����㹻� 1950 (�.�. 2493) 7. "The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion. It should transcend a personal God and avoid dogmas and theology. Covering both the natural and the spiritual. It should be based on a religious sense arising from the experience of all things, nastural and spiritual as a meaningful unity. Buddhism answers this description... . If there
is any religion that could cope with modern scientific needs, it would be Buddhism."
Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
"��ʹ��͹Ҥ��е�ͧ����ʹ��ҡ� ��ʹҹ�鹤�������˹�;����ҷ���յ�ǵ� ��Ф�è���鹤��͹Ẻ�Է�ѹ�� (�����Ẻ������ٻ���������͵����§���ҧ����) ���Ẻ���Է�� (��;���Ǵ�����ѡ�˭�) ��ʹҹ������ͤ�ͺ������駸����ҵ���ШԵ㨨֧������ҡ�ҹ���躹�ӹ֡�ҧ��ʹҷ���Դ��鹨ҡ���ʺ��ó�����觷�駻ǧ ��ͷ�駸����ҵ���ШԵ����ҧ��˹����������դ������� ��оط���ʹҵͺ��͡�˹������... ��Ҩ�����ʹ�㴷���Ѻ�����Ѻ������ͧ��÷ҧ�Է����ʵ�����»Ѩ�غѹ��ʹҹ�鹡����繾�оط���ʹ�"

��ʹ��͹Ҥ���ͧ����ʹ��ҡ� �������ʹ����ʹ�˹�觷���Ѻ�ʹ���ͧ�Ѻ ��ѡ�ҧ�Է����ʵ��㹻Ѩ�غѹ�� ��ʹҹ�鹡��;�оط���ʹ�

������� �͹�䵹� (�.�. 2422-2498) : �ѡ���ԡ��������ԡѹ ����ʹͷ�ɮ�����ѷ��Ҿ 8. "Buddha is the more complete human being. He is a historical personality and therefore easier for men to understand. Christ is at once a historical man and god, and therefore more difficult to comprehend." Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961)
"��оط������������������ó��ҡ���ͧ���繺ؤ�ŷ���յ�ǵ���ԧ�ҧ����ѵ���ʵ�� �й�� �֧�繡�ç��·�褹 ������¨����㨾�Ф��ʵ��繺ؤ�ŷ���յ�Ǩ�ԧ�ҧ����ѵ���ʵ�� ������Ǵ�㹢�����ǡѹ�й�鹨֧ �ҡ�ҡ����������"

��оط������������������ó��ҡ ����繺ؤ�ŷ���յ�ǵ���ԧ�ҧ����ѵ���ʵ��

��� ��ʵҿ �ا (�.�.2418-2504) : �ѡ�Ե�Է�Ҫ��������
9. "If we ask, for instance, whether the position of the electron remains the same, we must say "no"; if we ask whether the electron's position changes with time, we must say "no"; if we ask whether the electron is at rest, we must say "no" The Buddha has given such answers when interrogated as to the conditions of a man's self after death; but they are not familiar answer for the tradition of 17th and 18th century science." J.Robert Oppenheimer (1904-1967)
"��¡������ҧ �� �����Ҷ����� �ҹТͧ���š��͹���ѹ���ǡѹ���������? ��Ҩе�ͧ�ͺ����������Ҷ����� �ҹТͧ���š��͹����¹仾�����Ѻ������� ���������? ��Ҩе�ͧ�ͺ������ �����Ҷ����� ���š��͹ ��ش�ѡ���������? ��Ҩе�ͧ�ͺ������ �����Ҷ����� �ѹ����͹������������? ��Ҩе�ͧ�ͺ������ ��оط���� �����зҹ�ӵͺ�����ǡѹ����ͷç���Ѻ�Ӷ��
����ǡѺʶҹ��ó�ͧ��ǵ��ͧ�����������ѧ���������ӵͺ����ҹ������ӵͺ����鹡Ѻ���յ���ླբͧ�Է����ʵ�����µ���ɷ�� 17 ��� 18"

��оط���ҷç��Һ�ѭ�Ңͧ�Է����ʵ�������ҧ�Ѵਹ�������ӵͺ ������¡Ѻ���յ���ླբͧ�Է����ʵ��㹤��ʵ�ȵ���ɷ�� 7 ��з�� 8 (�.�. 1600-1700 ��� �.�. 1700-1800)

�. ������ �;ྐྵ�������(�.�. 2447-2510) : �ѡ���ԡ��������ԡѹ ����㹡�þѲ�����Դ���ҳ� 10. "If I am to take the results of my philosophy as the standard of truth, I should be obliged to concede to Buddhism the pre-eminence over the rest. In any case, it must be satisfaction to me to find my teaching in such close agreement with a religion professed by the majority of men. This agreement must be all the more satisfactory because in my philosophizing, I have certainly not been under its ifluence."
Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)
"��Ң�Ҿ��Ҩж����Ҽ���觻�Ѫ�Ңͧ��Ҿ���������ҵðҹ��觤�����ԧ ��Ҿ��ҡ����բ�ͼ١�ѹ��� ��ͧ����Ѻ��оط���ʹ� ������繾�����˹����ʹҷ�������. ���ҧ�á��� ��е�ͧ�繷�����Թ������Ѻ ��Ҿ��ҷ���龺��� ���͹�ͧ��Ҿ�����ҡѹ�����ҧ���Դ�Ѻ��ʹҫ����������ǹ�ҡ�Ѻ��� �����ҡѹ �����ͧ�繷���Ҿ���ҡ ����㹡�äԴ��Ѫ�ҹ�� ��Ҿ��������������Է�ԾŢͧ��ʹҹ�� (��оط���ʹ�) ���ҧ��͹"

��оط���ʹ����繾�����˹����ʹ�� � ��š������㹴�ҹ��Ѫ�ҹ�鹻�Ѫ�Ңͧ��Ҿ�����ҡѹ�����ҧ�աѺ��оط���ʹ� ��� � ���㹴�ҹ��äԴ��Ѫ�ҹ�� ��Ҿ�������������Է�ԾŢͧ��оط���ʹ������ҧ�

�������� �ྐྵ��(�.�. 2331-2403) : �ѡ��Ѫ�Ҫ�������ѹ
�����˵�: ��ͤ�����ͧ͢�ѡ��Ҫ�����з�ҹ��������㹡�ͺ��Ҿ��� ��������������������зѴ�Ѵ������㨧��¢��
�Եdz�� �ԡ��

�֡�Ե�ء�ѹ                ��Ǿ�ó��ͧ��
�آ����آ�               ͹��������ó�

��觷�駻ǧ              �������              �ж�����
��������ѹ            ��ͷء��              ���آ䩹
�ִ����ҡ             �ء���ҡ             �Ӻҡ�
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