Assassins creed the secret crusade ไทย สำน กพ ม แพรว

Altaïr embarks on a formidable mission - one that takes him throughout the Holy Land and shows him the true meaning of the Assassin's Creed. To demonstrate his commitment, Altaïr must defeat nine deadly enemies, including Templar leader Robert de Sablé. Here, for the first time, Niccolò Polo, father of Marco, shares Altaïr's remarkable story: his ongoing battle with the Templar conspiracy; a family life that is as tragic as it is shocking; the betrayal of an old friend; and a journey that will ultimately change the course of history.

FORMAT: 1 Volume

Talent: Oliver Bowden

Oliver Bowden is a British writer of historical fiction and nonfiction, who published over 40 books since 1984. After graduating from Cambridge University, he became an actor and director in theatre, then a scriptwriter for the BBC. He wrote nine of the novelizations of the Assassin's Creed games.

The Assassin's Creed series, by Oliver Bowden, Christie Golden, Matthew Kriby and Gordon Doherty is a collection of novels set within the Assassin's Creed video game universe. The books follow various time periods and revolve around the Assassins at war with the Knights Templar.

Spoiler alert

The Secret Crusade's story follows Altaïr, as told by Niccolo Polo. It details the life of Altaïr, an Assassin; beginning with the death of his father. Altaïr watches his father's execution; which was carried out for causing the unintended death of a noble.

Some time later, he also watches one of his father's fellow Assassins kill himself out of guilt over the death of Altaïr's father. Altaïr soon begins to train under Al Mualim, leader of the Assassin Order.

Al Mualim instructs him not to tell his fellow Assassin Abbas of his father's suicide. Despite this, Altaïr tells Abbas, who receives the news poorly. The news that Abbas' father killed himself causes problems between himself and Altaïr.

The Secret Crusade then progresses to many years later where an older Altaïr, with his wife Maria and their son Darim, are returning to Masyaf Altaïr's home after successfully assassinating Genghis Khan. In their absence, Abbas proclaimed himself "Master of the Assassins" and took over Masyaf, ruling with tyranny.

Altaïr is met with cold indifference. He discovers that despite being told that his son Sef had traveled to Alamut, his son was actually murdered by Malik. Malik has been imprisoned but claims innocence.

Altaïr breaks him out of jail planning to confront Abbas and reclaim his place as Master Assassin. These plans are thwarted when Abbas has Malik killed and frames Altaïr for his death. Out of anger, Altaïr uses the Apple of Eden to kill the man responsible for Sef's death but also inadvertently causes Maria's death. Devastated, Altaïr flees Masyaf.

Years later a merchant named Muhklis is saved from desert bandits by Altaïr, now an old man in his seventies. Muhklis takes an injured Altaïr back to his home in Masyaf and agrees to help him reclaim his place. They hope to take back Masyaf with as little bloodshed as possible.

They are joined by a few young men who are aligned against Abbas and are training in the traditional ways of the Assassins, which have been ignored during Abbas' reign. They, along with the people of Masyaf, storm the castle fighting through Abbas' men but only killing if absolutely necessary.

Altaïr faces Abbas for the last time, killing him with his pistol. With the death of their leader, Abbas' men lay down their arms and Altaïr is proclaimed the leader of the Assassins.

The final chapter shows that Ezio Auditore da Firenze (Da Firenze means from Firenze/Florence) is the narrator and he is on a boat arriving in Constantinople, in the second sequence of events in Revelations. The Secret Crusade was released in June 2011.

تاریخ نخستین خوانش: روز دهم ماه جولای سال 2015 میلادی

عنوان: فرقه اسسین ها ��تاب سوم: نهضت مخفی؛ نویسنده: اولیور باودن؛ مترجم: بهنام حاجی زاده؛ تهران، آذرباد، 1393، در 456ص؛ شابک 9786006225524؛ موضوع: داستانهای نویسندگان بریتانیایی - سده 21م

گروه مترجمین مجموعه: امیر قربان‌، فرزین لازمی‌زاده، خشایار خلیلیان، کیانا حاج‌دولت، بهراد بهروان

هشدار: اگر خود میخواهید کتاب را بخوانید، از خوانش چکیده خودداری کنید

داستان «جنگ صلیبی پنهان (نهضت مخفی)»، جزئیات زندگی «الطائر (الطیر)» را به عنوان یک «اسسین» باز می‌گوید؛

چکیده: داستان با مرگ پدر «الطیر» آغاز می‌شود؛ او اعدام شدن پدرش را می‌بیند؛ که برای یک مرگ اشتباه و غیرعمدی، اصیلزاده ای اعدام شد.؛ مدتی بعد، یکی از «اسسین‌»های پدرش را دید، که برای احساس گناه، و شرم از کشته شدن پدر «الطیر»، خودکشی کرد.؛ کمی بعد «الطیر»، توسط «المعلم»، رهبر انجمن «اسسین‌»ها آموزش می‌بیند.؛ «المعلم» به او یادآور می‌شود، که به اسسین «عباس»، چیزی درباره ی پدرش نگوید.؛ با این وجود «الطیر» به «عباس» می‌گوید، و او بسیار ناراحت می‌شود.؛ همین خبر سبب مشکلاتی بین او و «الطیر» می‌شود.؛ پس از آن، داستان به سال‌ها بعد می‌رود؛ ...؛ «الطیر»، «ماریا» و پسرشان «دریم»، پس از ترور موفق «چنگیز خان»، به «مصایف» بازمی‌گردند.؛ در غیابشان، «عباس» خودش را به عنوان «ارباب اسسینها» جا زده، و حکومتی استبدادی را پیش گرفته است.؛ «الطیر» با بیعلاقگی به ملاقات او می‌رود؛ «عباس» می‌گوید پسرش، «سف»، به «الموت» رفته؛ اما پسرش توسط «ملک» کشته شده.؛ «ملک» زندانی شد اما اظهار بیگنهاهی کرد؛ «الطیر» او را از زندان آزاد کرد، و ...؛ «عباس»، «ملک» را کشت و آن را به گردن «الطیر» انداخت.؛ «الطیر» از روی خشم از «سیب عدن» استفاده کرد، اما سهواً باعث مرگ «ماریا» شد، و به «مصیاف» گریخت.؛ سال‌ها بعد «الطیر»؛ که پیرمردی هفتاد ساله بود، تاجری به نام «مخلص» را، از دست راهزنان صحرا نجات داد.؛ «مخلص»، «الطیر» زخمی را، به خانه‌ اش در «مصیاف» برد، و قبول کرد که به «الطیر» یاری کند تا جایگاهش را بیابد.؛ آن‌ها به امید پس گرفتن «مصیاف»، دست به کار شدند.؛ به چند مرد جوان پیوستند که با روش‌های سنتی «اسسین‌»ها، علیه «عباس» مبارزه می‌کردند.؛ آن‌ها همراه مردم «مصیاف»، به سمت «قلعه عباس» یورش بردند، اما در مواقع حساس دست به کشتار می‌زدند.؛ «الطیر» برای آخرین بار با «عباس» روبرو شد، و با تپانچه اش او را از پا درآورد.؛ سربازان، با مرگ رهبرشان سلاح‌های خود روی زمین بگذاشتند، و «الطیر» به عنوان «رهبر» اعلام شد.؛ فصل آخر کتاب نشان می‌دهد، اتزیو آئودیتوره دا فرینتزه (دا فرینتزه به معنای اهل فرینتزه فلورانس)، راوی داستان است و قایقش به قسطنطنیه رسیده است

تاریخ بهنگام رسانی 01/05/1399هجری خورشیدی؛ ا. شربیانی

1,120 reviews46k followers

March 19, 2017

When I get really annoyed with a book I sometimes forget how to write a book review. I don’t approach it how I normally would, and instead I just list a bunch of points that really pissed me off about the work:

1. The same story AGAIN-According to the cover, this is the “untold story of Altair.” It’s not. This book is a verbatim repeating of the events in the first Assassin’s creed game (yawn.) Now don’t get me wrong they were good events. I thought the game was very clever, but I didn’t want to hear the exact same story here. It needed to move forward and tell fans something new!

2. Poor new material- And the second problem, ironically, is what I just said the book needed. After repeating the events of the first game, which comprised the first half of this book, the author moves on and gives us some information about what happened next. And I don’t think it worked. Obviously this book was approved by the video game writers, but, for me, it just deified continuity. That’s not where I thought Altair would end up judging by his previous actions.

3. This is not the same character- And this moves me swiftly on to my next point. Altair doesn’t feel like Altair. The author has completely failed to capture any sense of his voice. Simply put, the Altair here is not the knife throwing badass assassin of the video game. No. He seemed weak.

4. Irresponsibility. That’s all he has. To get the piece of Eden Altair went through hell. There is absolutely no way he would realistically lose it. On a character level, his actions were idiotic. This isn’t enough reason to criticise the book. Some people are stupid. But Altair is not, at least, not anymore. He grew as a person through the game, and he learnt to respect his abilities. He held in his hands true power, and he would have safe-guard it at all costs. No matter what.

5. Dependency-This also relies on the video game too much. I’ve read a few novels based on games in the past, and they really could exist on their own. Had I not known the plot of the game, I think I would have become a little lost here and would have completely missed the significance of some of the side characters and assassination targets.

6. Altair has a wife? Assassin’s historically speaking didn’t have wives, and so far in the series we have had no mention of one. So another continuity problem.

7. Naming fuck up- Altair’s full name is “Altair Ibn La Ahad."Ibn means son of; yet, for some reason Altair’s son has the same “son of” following his name instead of the correct one. It’s like the author has taken this Middle Eastern system for naming as the same thing as a Western surname. And he looks like an absolute idiot.

8. This is not Assassin’s Creed-All in all, the first half of this book is a plot summary of the first game, and the second is a disaster. I wish I never read it.

What surprises most about this book is the fact that it was actually published. When I read a book this poor, it give me inspiration and hope that I could be published one day. Well, if I actually managed to drag myself away from reading and reviewing and wrote something fictional for a change. I mean if a crap book like this can hit the shelves…

1-star-reads historical sci-fi

98 reviews

December 30, 2020

3 1/2 ⭐

Este es el tercer libro que leo de la Orden de los Asesinos y el que más he disfrutado porque la prosa está un poco más cuidada en relación a los anteriores.

Aquí el protagonista no es Ezio Auditore sino Altaïr y la historia transcurre unos siglos antes.

Me gustó que la narración estuviera a cargo de una tercera persona, Nicolás Polo, el padre de nuestro famosísimo Marco.

La primera parte del libro es muy parecida a los anteriores, siempre me queda la sensación de que estoy leyendo misiones del video juego, misiones que nuestros protagonistas deben cumplimentar según el Código de la Orden. Y eso me resulta algo aburrido porque se repite libro tras libro.

Sin embargo, una vez que acaba ese largo prólogo, la historia se pone más interesante. Esta lo es precisamente porque se develan -muy rápidamente para mi gusto- algunos misterios que aparecieron en Renaissance y La Hermandad.

Como no suelo abandonar sagas, voy a seguir con los restantes, añorando, eso sí, una mejor calidad en la escritura de Bowden y algo más de profundidad en la historia de los Asesinos, que permita trascender los cometidos más obvios de la Orden en su guerra contra los Templarios.

August 3, 2011

After the surprisingly good Assassin's Creed Renaissance and Assassin's Creed Brotherhood novelizations, I was severely disappointed by this latest installment of the Assassin's Creed Books.

As it was centered on Altair, I was looking forwards to reading about him. But this book was dire.

With Oliver Bowden's previous adaptations, I sometimes forgot I was reading a game novel, as it felt almost like a historical novel. This was achieved mostly because he did. His. Research.

However, with this book it's as if he couldn't care less. He clearly did not research the crusades, or the middle east at that time, or the middle east in general. In fact, I sometimes wonder if he even played the game, or if he just took a copy of the script and wrote around it. My main gripe in this issue is that he completely disregards the Codex pages from the Game. For instance, in the codex, Altair explicitly states that he never knew or cared about his father, and that when his parents died it "was like the passing of two strangers". However, Bowden decides to take some "Artistic Lisence" and make it that his father - whose name is also a big problem, but I'll get to that in a minute - died when he was 11, and that Altair was devastated and in mourning for ages. He used it to set up a completely random sub plot about Altair as a novice, and another young novice, which was wholly unneeded and detracted more than it added - especially since that whole section completely undermined what it was like to be trained as an assassin and once again highlighted his complete lack of knowledge of what life was like then (for example he says that Altair and his friend had a governess... no... they couldn't possibly have had. Crusades age arabia would NOT Have had that, especially not the assassin's.)

Another major indication that he didn't know anything about Crusades Arabia when he wrote it is Altair's Name. As all Assassin's Creed fans know Altair's full name is "Altair Ibn La Ahad"

In arab/middle eastern culture, one is given a name, then one's father's name. So if I were called John, and my father was David, I would be John ibn David (as I'm a girl, this wouldn't be the case :P). Ibn = son of.

As an Arab myself I can tell you that this means "Altair, son of La Ahad" or translates roughly as "Altair, son of no one." This. Is. A. Title. And even if it weren't a title, it would mean his father would be called "La Ahad" i.e. "No one" The poor bloke...

However, Oliver "does no research" Bowden clearly has no grasp of the arab naming system. He has Altair's Father as being called Umar.... ibn La Ahad. Even worse, Altair's children also have "ibn La Ahad" as their surname. Even his wife - which assassin's wouldn't have - has it. Arabs do not have surnames like us westerners: Like I have explained previously, arabs do not retain last names. This is such a fundamental fact which anyone with the least bit of knowledge of the middle east would be aware of.

All in all, I was severely disappointed by this latest installment of the Assassin Creed books, but only because it is so far departed from the quality previous books. So if it seems like I am judging him harshly, it's only because he has set the bar so high before.

2 reviews2 followers

July 3, 2012

I love this game, I love this story, I love this book. I've been a fan of the Assassin's Creed franchise since playing the first game.

This is the third Assassin's Creed novel by Oliver Bowden but chronologically, timeline and game release wise, it comes first. Readers are not disadvantaged at all if they have not read the first two novels.

This novel is extremely faithful to the source material, it is clear Bowden worked closely with Ubisoft Montreal as most of the dialog is word perfect when compared to the game script, events and assassinations also play out almost exactly the same (albeit probably more skilled and professional than some of us gamers did it back in the day).

The story for those unfamiliar follows Altaïr ibn La-Ahad, an Assassin from Masyaf who is stripped of his `Master Assassin' rank very early in the story due to his arrogant attitude and lack of respect for the assassin way of life - the Assassin's Creed. He is offered a chance of redemption by his master, the assassin leader Al Mualim, the agreement: Altaïr's rank and status restored in return for the lives of nine corrupt men.

What starts as a righteous vengeance mission, quickly unfolds into a deeper, darker conspiracy that leads Altaïr to question his own way of life, his skills, and his beliefs. The story is quick paced and effectively told, the chapters are short but have the right structure; Altaïr will often track a target over one chapter, assassinate them in the next, and escape in the third.

As with the previous Assassin's Creed Novels by Bowden, it does add some extra details into the tale. Primarily it adds a sub story that covers Altaïr's childhood and upbringing, these additions are very welcome and really help to develop Altaïr and gain a better understanding of his character. More importantly, this novel also covers events after the "main story". Specifically, Altaïr's voyage to Cyprus that was the present in the Bloodlines PSP game, as well as his later family life that was touched upon within the Codex pieces of Assassin's Creed 2 - These additions make up the latter half of the book and detail the closing years of Altaïr's life subtly setting up the Revelations story arc.

Simply put, this novel is very faithful to the source material. It is the most complete and in depth account of the life of Altaïr. I would recommend this book to any fan of the franchise and it is certainly a great way to recap (and expand) upon the life and times of Altaïr ibn La-Ahad in preparation for Assassin's Creed Revelations. I can't wait to read next Assassin's Creed novel by Oliver Bowden.

611 reviews147 followers

February 13, 2018

Nono libro finito di quest'anno. Il libro non era male. Oliver Bowden potrebbe scrivere un pò meglio ma da quando leggo la saga in Italiano bene o male ce la faccio. Il traduttore, che solitamente non guardo mai, ha fatto un ottimo lavoro. Ok, poco fa ho guardato chi era. Tullio Dobner. Quello che traduce Stephen King. Forse è uno dei pochi che stimo anche se ho trovato errorini di battitura qua e là. Ma in Italia il double-check pare come sempre non esistere.

Per le frasi alla morte dei nove che sono uguali al gioco non posso dire niente. Sto leggendo i libri proprio perchè non ho mai avuto occasione di giocarci. Come curiosità sono andata a vedere Wikia e letto, spulciato, i dialoghi alla morte delle persone ma solo le prime frasi.

Stessa cosa non posso dire niente di quell'Ibn che qualcuno dice vul dire "figlio di". Non conosco l'Arabo. Certo, forse, l'autore avrebbe dovuto fare qualche ricerchina. Anche quelle che non fa quasi nessuno.

Il mio voto finale è cinque per la storia.

Author 4 books979 followers

March 9, 2022

Vuoi iniziare a leggere i libri della serie Assassin's Creed scritti da Oliver Bowden, ma non sai cosa sono, da dove iniziare e soprattutto se fanno per te?

Eccomi! Sono qui per questo!

“Nulla è reale, tutto è lecito”

Assassin's Creed è da sempre una delle mie più grandi fissazioni.

Ispirata all'omonimo videogame, la serie firmata Oliver Bowden (pseudonimo di Anton Gill) conta ben nove romanzi. (Esistono altri romanzi nella stessa serie ma scritti da altri autori)

I romanzi della serie AC scritti da Gill sono i seguenti:

Assassin's Creed: Rinascimento (2009) Assassin's Creed: Fratellanza (2011) Assassin's Creed: Revelations (2011) Assassin's Creed: La crociata segreta (2011) Assassin's Creed: Forsaken (2012) Assassin's Creed: Black Flag (2013) Assassin's Creed: Unity (2014) Assassin's Creed: Underworld (2015) Assassin's Creed: Desert Oath (2017)

E non devono essere necessariamente letti in ordine. A eccezione dei primi tre, sono tutti quanti ambientati in epoche ed ere differenti e hanno come protagonisti personaggi differenti.

Per chi non lo sapesse gli "Assassini" sono i componenti di una setta pseudomilitare, conosciuta in tutto il mondo come Ordine degli Assassini, o Confraternita degli Assassini, nata in antichità con il principale scopo di garantire, sempre e comunque, la sopravvivenza del libero arbitrio. Per far questo, lavorano fin da piccoli seguendo un credo: - frena la tua lama di fronte l'innocente; - nasconditi in piena vista [...]; - non compromette la confraternita. La confraternita è in eterna lotta con un'altra setta, i Templari, la cui particolarità predominante, in questo universo, è la costante ricerca di un modo per conquistare il mondo (alla "Mignolo e Prof" X'D).

Leggere i libri di questa serie, per me, è come un tornare a casa. E non potrebbe non essere così considerata la mole di ore che ho passato davanti la playstation.

I libri di Oliver Bowden sono a metà tra il romanzo storico e una narrazione di gioco.

Sebbene siano idealmente solo ispirati ai rispettivi capitoli game riescono a riportarti all’interno dell’esperienza virtuale con la mente. Niente più controller, niente più televisore. Ti catapultano all’interno della storia. Storie che hanno per lo più dinamiche semplici, ma non per questo meno piacevoli. Così come in un videogioco i personaggi secondari sono semplicemente PNG (personaggi non giocanti) e non hanno un vero e proprio spessore psicologico. Tutto quello che incontri serve ai fini della trama. I punti di snodo di questi romanzi vengono trattati quasi come quest. Finita la missione, la narrazione si conclude. I movimenti di camera tra una scena e un’altra sono cinematografici. E puoi percepirli come un continuo zoom in e zoom out.

Detto questo, se ami la storia e cerchi dei romanzi storici non troppo lunghi, con:

Capitoli molto brevi Pochi personaggi Mondo semplice (con dinamiche che si ripetono in luoghi ed ere differenti) Trama appassionante nella sua semplicità Una buona dose di azione Descrizioni non troppo prolisse ma dettagliate in grado di farti immaginare e vivere la scena Una scrittura accessibile a tutti Molti dialoghi Protagonisti interessanti

Allora questi libri fanno proprio al caso tuo!

Ma di che parla Assassin's Creed: La crociata segreta? (Che è anche il mio preferito della serie)

Ispirato all'omonimo videogame , narra la vera storia di Altair Ibn-La'Ahad, maestro assassino.

Il libro è narrato da niente di meno che dal padre di Marco Polo, a cui un vecchio Altair ha avuto modo di raccontare le sue gesta.

Il libro è diviso in quattro parti e la storia è ambientata per lo più in Terra Santa, per un periodo compreso tra il 1191 e il 1257.

Nel 1191 Altair è giovane, forte e orgoglioso, soprattutto orgoglioso. Fallisce un'importante missione e viene reinizializzato. Per recuperare il suo rango, e dunque il suo onore, dovrà ricominciare da zero, tornare ad essere un novizio, dimostrare al maestro di meritare la sua lama, completando diverse missioni, rispettando il credo e soprattutto la sua posizione.

Perché è il mio preferito? Beh, i combattimenti e le descrizioni mi hanno affascinato parecchio, Altair è il mio assassino preferito e, come sa chi ha letto il mio Shadows, adoro particolamente questo periodo storico.

Assolutamente consigliato!

70 reviews23 followers

Want to read

November 11, 2016

Next book on my to read list of the one and only epic Assassin's Creed series.

17 reviews

June 22, 2012

No words can describe my feelings for this book. Mainly because it is Assassin's Creed for goodness sake. I love the game so much. And I really, honestly, doubt on reading it due to recent reviews on this book which I still don't understand. This book is good. The story is amazing. Altair is amazing. He is such a good role model.

I have to admit that, yes, it was followed exactly from the video game. And partly that's what makes it so nice too. Because I fangirl a lot to the video game and I like to you know, read everything back; the stories, the dialogues, the feelings. And I thought the story will end like in Assassin's Creed one but it did not. It continued and I was so surprise because I didn't expect more. I didn't know the rest of Altair's tales so reading it was a thrilling and excited experience for me.

There are so many lessons that can be learnt from the assassin's creed. That's why I really love it. It's not just a game. It's more than that. So, the book was really worth it to me, I can't stop reading it though I never want to finish the book. I want to be in the assassin's world for as long as it takes but that is unacceptable. I want to listen and understand Altair. He is so smart and wise. Never will I meet such a person like him.

Rambling. Gosh. wat am i doin. these feelings I can't help.

awesome-books favourites owned-and-read

65 reviews20 followers

January 12, 2021

واقعا جذاب. اصلا اجازه نمیداد بزارمش زمین. وقتی ب سری بازیهاش فک میکنم، همیشه حال و هوایی ک سری اول بهم میداد خیلی دوس داشتنی تر بود و حالا اون حس رو تو کتابشم پیدا کردم. (سری اول بازی برگرفته از جلد سومه) سری اول بازی فقط نصف این کتابو روایت میکنه و بعدا خیلی مختصر و پراکنده ب ادامه داستان تو بقیه سری ها میپردازه، ک شما میتونید تو این کتاب از اتفاقات کاملا باخبر بشین. ولی درکل این کتاب خیلی پخته تر ب نظرم اومد و خیلی جاها شما رو ب چالش میکشه ک ب این فکر کنی نکنه واقعا حق با تمپلار ها باشه و اسسین ها دارن راهو اشتباه میرن و خیلی جاها حسی ک الطائر از قتلهاش داره رو میتونید حس کنید. ترجمه این سری ب نظرم دلنشین تر بود حالا نمیدونم واقعا قویتر بود یا من بخاطر علاقم اینجوری فکر میکنم

274 reviews75 followers

August 12, 2016

The life and times of Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad, original protagonist of the Assassin's Creed video game series. The majority of the novel details the events of the first game, set during the Third Crusade in 1191 as Altaïr goes from arrogant ignorer of his Order's Creed to wise Master Assassin as he pieces together the puzzle of his given Templar targets and uncovers a conspiracy surrounding an ancient artifact left behind by a lost civilization.

I could be considered an AC fanboy, so I'm a little biased. I think the average reader with no knowledge of the franchise would give this three stars, but to me this seems like an excellent depiction of Altaïr and the major events of his life. Bowden's writing style is better than I was expecting for a tie-in novel and he handles the "game" aspects of the story quite well, describing Altaïr's techniques sparsely and focusing on moving the plot forward. Some details differ from what is in the games and Bowden adds some backstory, but it all contributes to fleshing out Altaïr's motivations. Some plot elements are left hanging, but this is in line with the multi-generational concept behind the games where some answers are not understood until hundreds of years later. Showing Altaïr as a man trying to forge ahead and providing a sound foundation for the Assassin Order even though the answers are out of reach ends up being compelling (though I admit that may be only my view with the context and hindsight of having played eleven or twelve AC games).

adventure fiction historical-fiction

Author 20 books84 followers

February 11, 2017

This is the whole story of Altair. First half of a book is telling story of first Assassin's Creed video game. The second part of the book tells story of Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines video games.... But alas, this game is ONLY for Play Station- so I will never be able to play it.... But at least I could read the story, so it makes me happy even if I can't play that game.

To whom who say this book is so bloody and cruel: PEOPLE, it's called Assassin's Creed!!! It's supposed to be bloody!! Besides, in this book the plot is going in Middle Ages in East. And as you know Crusades were ones of the bloodiest wars in history. And I truly say: Assassin's Creed games and books are for ADULTS only. Both are full of cursing words and violence. Well, who played the games, knows they can be played only 18+ people. So I don't recommend this book or game for younger people that 18 years old. But all Assassin's Creed fans should read this. The book tells the whole Altair's life, even the parts that weren't mentioned in the game.

assassin-s-creed my-biggest-treasures turiu

Author 3 books630 followers

April 25, 2018

4.5 stars Oh man .. this book was quite the ride I loved it SO much :D it was full of adventure and the story was so immersive that I couldn't put the book down until I finished it, I LOVE Altair way better than Ezio he is such a cool yet humble character despite his arrogance in the beginning, and I like his line of thinking.. you can read this book as a stand alone as it is not related to the previous books but I think the next book will tie the series and this book together so I can't wait to move on to the next book :D so so excited to continue with Ezio and Altair journey :)))

audio-book books-i-enjoyed-reading e-book

Author 8 books159 followers

June 5, 2016

Interesting story, poor writing. A good introduction to the world of the Assassin's Creed, though, so I'd say it's worth 3 stars as far as novelizations are concerned. Full review can be read at Constant Collectible.


7 reviews2 followers

October 16, 2014

I recently read Assassin’s Creed: The last Crusade by Oliver Bowden, Its about a this group of Assassin’s and Altair one of their top assassin’s fails to follow orders and gets the title of master taking away from him in front of clan. Throughout the story Altair has to prove him worthy of being named master assassin once more.

The setting takes place in 11th century Jerusalem, Acre, and Damascus. The assassin’s had a fortress in Masyaf where they lived and trained to be great assassin’s. The characters you will get to meet are Al Mualim (Altair’s mentor) and Abbas (Fellow assassin and good friend of Altair)and much more other characters.

One of the main conflicts in the story is that their is a constant fight between the assassins’ and the templars. Altair is then sent by al Mualim to assassinate specific leaders that are corrupted so that he can show Al Muanlim that he is worthy once more. Throughout the story Altair has this inner conflict with himself about how he thinks he's better then everybody when others say he’s not. The conflict is resolved when he starts to change make himself feel equal with the rest of the group while then knowing that his mentor Al Mualim was the who was corrupted.

In my opinion this book was great because I like reading books that take place in the 11th century and 15th century. Also its good because it shows how Altair started from the bottom and made it to the top, even he was at the top before. I would recommend this book to anyone who wants a story with a good plot and setting.

4,138 reviews1,041 followers

February 17, 2012

This novel isn't the best written work in the history of literature, but I found it fun to read a novelisation of the games, and one which teased out more of Altaïr's past. If you're interested in the Assassin's Creed games for their plot, this might interest you, even if you don't want to or can't play the games. It doesn't include the Desmond frame story, but it brings together all the threads about Altaïr in one book, which makes it a smoother learning experience than playing the games.

Stuff like the romance with Maria is more told than shown, but that was the same in the games, too, and I wouldn't expect a novelisation like this to be better than the games. Altaïr's backstory is fascinating, though, and this fills in the gaps. It can be tedious to read when it lovingly describes Altaïr's every move in a fight, but that's easy enough to skim over.

(Incidentally, it's interesting how differently the author viewed some of Altaïr's actions to the way I did, when playing the game. It's a viable interpretation, but his version of Altaïr seems to be a nicer guy than I gave Altaïr credit for when I first played the first game.)

I'm kind of looking forward to reading the Ezio novels as well -- I started with this one because Altaïr's story is where it began, but it does have spoilers for Assassin's Creed: Revelations, so if you're planning to play that and haven't yet, don't read this 'til you have. It's not as good as the games, but it's fun.

historical-fiction-alternatehistory speculative-fiction tv-game-movie-tie-in

519 reviews759 followers

July 26, 2016

Enjoyable but not catchy. Renaissance is still the best one from this series.

And really needs to be all the names so similar?

2016 in-czech

38 reviews12 followers

September 17, 2012

Неразказаната история на Алтаир – Върховния учител асасин. Това мото краси корицата на книгата. Ще започна с това, че съм силно впечатлена от факта, че както на английски, така и на български кориците са едни и същи. А още повече ме впечатли това, че за самата направа на кориците са изп��лзвали реални снимки, картинки и кадри от играта.

Всички знаем, че Орденът на Асасините е популярна компютърна игра създадена от Ubisoft, която бързо набра популярност у нас. Дори аз съм запленена от играта, а това е много, имайки предвид, че много малко игри могат да ме впечатлят толкова силно. Но нека се върна към книгата. Неразказаната история на Алтаир – Върховния учител асасин

Бащата на Марко Поло – Николо, най – накрая разкрива тайната, която е пазил цял живот – историята на Алртаир, един от най – впечатляващите членове на Братството на Асасините. Той винаги се е подчинявал на правилата на Братството. Но един ден нарушава трите най – важни сред тях и статутът му на Върховен учител е отнет. За да го заслужи отново, Алтаир се отправя на непосилна мисия. Тя го отвежда в Светите земи и го изправя срещу деветима свирепи врагове. Най коварният от тях е Робер дьо Сабле – водачът на тамплиерите. Докато опитва да докаже всеотдайността си, Алтаир разбира истинската същност на Ордена на асасините. В „Тайният кръстоносен поход” историята на Алтаир е разказана за пръв път. История, белязана от дългата борба срещу заговора на тамплиерите, трагедията на едно семейство и жестокото предателство на стар приятел. Разказ за едно пътуване, което ще промени хода на историята...

Няма как написаното на корицата да не те привлече. Мен ме привлече не само корицата но и това, което беше написано на нея. Казах си, че би било интересно да прочета нещо за Николо Поло, бащата на Марко. Като фен на игрите исках да прочета историята на Алтаир и да разбера има ли нещо, което съм изпуснала в играта. А и винаги съм имала засилен интерес към историята от преди 19ти век. Харесвам истории с рицари, крале, интриги… затова и когато прочетох, че става дума за Светите земи, тамплиери… казах си, че това ще е книга, която задължително ще прочета.

Добре е, че тази книга може да бъде прочетена отделно от другите три книги в поредицата. Донякъде, разбира се. Разбрах, че е добре да ги чета подред на издаване едва когато приключих с четенето на книгата.

В началото се запознаваме с историята на бащата на Алтаир и обстоятелствата довели до присъединяването на Алтаир, по – късно Върховният учител, към Братството на асасините. Стана ми мъчно, че Алтаир трябваше да загуби баща си за да се присъедини и то на такава млада възраст. Действието продължава когато Алтаир е вече млад мъж. Тръгваме по стъпките му, само за да открием, че той се проваля в поставената му мисия, да възстанови съкровището на Тамплиерите. Но той не само се проваля – той нарушава трите най – важни закона на Братсвтото. - Не убивай невинни. - Не се разкривай. - Никога не разкривай Братството Или както е казано в книгата: - Не вади меча, за да поразиш невинни. - Крий се на открито. Потъни сред хората, слей се с тълпата. - Никога не компрометирай Братството. Нарушавайки тези три основни правила Алтаир бива понижен в ранг и за да си върне статуса трябва да изпълни няколко задачи. Да убие деветима свирепи врагове. През цялата книга проследяваме, как Алтаир убива всеки един от тях. Трябва да призная, че действието ми се развиваше много бързо. Някак си, отиди, виж, убий, но това е нормално след като е книга по игра. Но някой хора могат да намерят бързо развиващото се действие за неприятно и да се откажат да четат. Сигурно биха си казали „Защо да я чета, като мога да я изиграя“. Истината е, че всъщност като изиграят играта ще разберат историята на Алтаир, но да я прочетеш на черно и бяло също може да достави голямо удоволствие на човек. За мен беше така.

Оценявам тази книга 4/5 и я препоръчвам на всеки, който обича да чете книги засягащи тамплиери, рицари, крале, тн. Също така това би било добро четиво и за феновете на играта.

332 reviews38 followers

August 28, 2019

4* επειδή ο Αλταΐρ δεν ήταν ακριβώς ο ταφ μαδεφάκας που ήξερα από το παιχνίδι, αλλά ήταν ώρες ώρες λίγο μαλακούλης όταν είχε να κάνει με το Μαράκι!

11 reviews

February 21, 2014

I originally rated this book 4/5 but, after having some time to think through it, I've re-rated it 3/5 and I'll explain why.

While this is a fantastic adaptation from, I'll admit, a pretty decent game, there was one major flaw in Oliver Bowden's writing. But let's get the good stuff out of the way first.

The storyline is absolutely incredible. It's an adventure in the life of an assassin as he uncovers a conspiracy surrounding the ancient order of the Templars and secrets within his own temple. The story follows the iconic video game character Altair through his adventure from Ubisoft's hit game and actually continues afterwards to explore the consequences of his actions and where his story took him. The action is well written with excellent choreography and timing, and realistic reactions from characters. I was heavily invested in the exploration of Altairs past and the events that followed.

Here is where the bad stuff comes in. Oliver Bowden made the assumption, when writing this book, that everyone who read it has played the video game. This is fine, it's perfectly cool because that's the audience that it was targetting. Now, think for a minute, what if someone hadn't played the video game? The first half of the book is going to be fairly bland and be lacking in visual description making it extremely difficult for someone to get through. Yes, I played the game, but I was extremely disappointed in the exploration of the cities and the people, the invasion of the various cultures due to the crusades and how they have influenced the population. It felt like Bowden was thinking, "I don't need to describe the area, they know what it looks like." I didn't like this, it seemed almost lazy on his part. The smaller aspect of my disappointment stemmed from the game of cat and mouse that Bowden created between Altair and the templar woman (it's been a little while and I've forgotten her name). This seemed very reminiscent of perhaps the most annoying part of Stoker's Dracula where Harker and Van Helsing chase Dracula down. It's repetitive and very uninteresting. One minute, Altair has captured her, the next she escapes. This could have been done without, altogether.

Overall, while the story is incredible and the action, well choreographed, the book lacked any visual detail which could have dramatically improved its quality.

1 review

December 1, 2012

I just didn't feel like it contributed anything. It felt like the author played the game and transcribed what happened on the screen. But with less depth. It felt so much emptier than the game, and... it shouldn't have. It should have added so much more. There's such a unique opportunity to add so much depth to Altaïr, to really throw the reader into a fantastic historical portrayal, to use so many literary references and allusions to Alamut, to have these striking descriptions of Damascus, Acre and Jerusalem, and ESPECIALLY Masyaf, and there was nothing.

Disappointed, really.

Oh, and I LOVE Assassin's Creed, by the way. I bought all the games on their first day in the store. I finished them within a weekend. I have a tattoo. I'm all the way there and beyond. But this book just... turned me off the whole series. If anyone can vouch for one of the other books, please do. I mean, I'm dying to add another level of culture to my fanaticism, but... sadly, my shrine will not include this book.


April 20, 2017

If you love the game series Assassin's Creed by Ubisoft than you are going to love the book. Assassin Creed The Secret Crusade embarks on the journeys and hardships Altair had to go through. He seeing his fathers death does not stop him from becoming one of the greatest assassin's the Brotherhood has ever had. This book lacking character development entices you with the crazy plot twist of his Master betraying him. He is than forced to kill him for his betrayal to the Brotherhood. Altair in doing so is left to be the Mentor. He than sets out to prove that he is worthy of this title. With many obstacles in his way he still manages to become the leader and get rid of Abbas. Altair story being tragic he is still left to inspire others in following and gaining power to the west.

Assassin's Creed The Secret Crusade lacking in character development is still a must read. I do recommend that you play the games to understand some parts but the book really hits the important events of Altair's life.

62 reviews

June 13, 2013

This is what the game needs. More plot points. And here they are, beautifully wrapped in a single book. The Creed books are a great asset to the game indeed. They nicely summarise the cutscenes and the story, and present the missing links. This book in particular shows what we did not know about the Great Master - Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad. He becomes much more relatable because of this, since the game does not bother to give much of character's backstory. It is always nice to become more acquainted with a character!~

5 reviews1 follower

July 11, 2015

Having played the asssassin's creed videogames and being a huge fangirl myself I thought that it was FANTASTIC. When the book was over I had a full perspective of the story which by playing the videogame I lost due to my focus to the goals. I have not read the other books, so I thought that this one was the first due to it's name, as it talks about Altair the protagonist of the first video game. Assassin's creed. I would for sure recommend this to anyone interested into fantasy and history as it fetures some real life people.

111 reviews4 followers

March 6, 2016

What sets this book above the first two is the complexity of the characters and their relationships. They are more relatable because they experience real things (betrayal, hesitance, confusion, epiphanies, & the act of aging) in more realistic ways and doses. It was also much more well written, though I still have a problem with Bowden's grammar and structure.

16 reviews

January 13, 2012

Nothing extraordinary about the writing or the story. It's strictly for fans of the game only, because the writing is just blatant and unremarkable. Read it only if you want a clear story of Altair.

61 reviews

June 16, 2018

This book is wonderful, I loved. You read.

377 reviews38 followers

November 21, 2021

Altaïr took care of apple of eden and pages of codex, of all knowledge assasins sware to tresure. Only to lose it.

Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad's Codex was a personal journal written by the Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad, Mentor of the Levantine Assassins, following the death of Al Mualim. It documents his explorations into the Apple of Eden he possessed, and it offers an autobiographical view of his life and various assassination-related articles.

Apple of Eden was a Piece of Eden created by the Isu with the primary purpose of controlling the neurotransmitters in humans to ensure their obedience. Like other Pieces of Eden, it has a long and storied history and has been referred to by many names throughout history.

Altair embarks on a formidable mission—one that takes him throughout the Holy Land and shows him the true meaning of the Assassin's Creed. To demonstrate his commitment, Altair must defeat nine deadly enemies, including Templar leader, Robert de Sable.

The problem is it was not as good as books about real history. When I read real history, biography, books on history or even historical novel I enjoy reading with my consciousness just like I would enjoy meal and a bath.




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