8 habits of stephen covey ม อะไรบ าง

The eight habits of highly effective people is a dynamic life-changing educational and coaching process, based on the content of the best-selling books, with the same title, (The 7 habits of highly effective people and The 8th habit of highly effective people), written by Stephen R. Covey, and summarized, illustrated and presented by Chris Abbey.

The 7 habits of highly effective people

The 8th habit

The eight habits will help you initiate a long-term process of increased productivity and improved effectiveness. This process will help you:

  • Plan and execute priorities
  • Reduce stress, external pressure and burnout
  • Improve communication skills
  • Develop leadership abilities and people skills
  • Improve personal and professional productivity
  • Apply the value of success and the psychology of winning to your life


1. Be Proactive

Proactive people carry their own weather with them — whether it rains or shines makes NO difference to them. Their honor, values, principles, commitment and dedication are much greater than their moods:

2. Begin with the end in Mind

We are more in need of a vision, a mission statement, a credo or a destination and a compass and less in need of a map or direction. Leaders and field generals create their own destiny by following their internal compass and their internal “gut feeling” or intuition. They make life (personal and professional) a mission, NOT just a passing or career. Do things by design, NOT by accident. Execute every spoken word with an “end result” in mind:

3. Put First Things First

The key is NOT to JUST prioritize your schedule, but to rather schedule your priorities and stay focused and disciplined to execute against them steadily and consistently.

Do the important things first –because where you are headed as well as the CLEAR direction that you are taking is far MORE important than how fast you are going and when will you get there:



7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Habit four through seven:

There can be no relationship without confidence, and no confidence without integrity

4. Think Win/Win

Win-Win is a belief in the “Third Alternative”. It is a paradigm shift (a new and fresh way of thinking) and a whole new way in dealing with people. It is NOT your way or my way; it is a BETTER way! It is a much higher way. We need NOT only do the right thing, but rather what is right for business, locally and globally:

5. Seek First To Understand, Then To Be Understood

This is, by far, the most challenging habit to master and the most powerful, as we tend to be mostly self-centered.

The key to clear understanding is listening well, listening with our eyes, our mind, our soul and our heart.

When you speak, speak long and well as you “serve, support and coach” others to the road of success and the vision of higher learning:

6. Synergize

There is synergy in the aspen grove! The trees are connected by a system of roots; each tree draws strength and balance from the others. The grove is MORE than the sum of its individual parts –one plus one equals three or MORE. Synergize your life and business so you can have your own aspen grove:


7. Sharpen The Saw

Renew, develop, evaluate, assess, energize, polish, refine and enhance the GREATEST asset you have –YOU:

In Stephen R. Covey's groundbreaking book, "The 8th Habit," he explores the concept of finding our voice and empowering others to discover theirs. Habit 8 represents the culmination of the previous seven habits, offering a framework for personal fulfillment and professional success. By recognizing and utilizing our unique talents, values, and passions, we can find our voice and make a significant impact on the world around us. Today we delve into the essence of Habit 8, providing actionable insights to help you unlock your potential and inspire others to do the same.

Understanding the 8th Habit

The 8th Habit is an extension of Covey's earlier work, "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People." While the previous seven habits focus on personal effectiveness, Habit 8 centers on our individual contribution to society and the realization of our greater purpose. Finding your voice involves discovering your unique strengths, talents, and passions, and aligning them with your values. It enables you to tap into your innate potential and bring forth your authentic self.

Helping others find their voice is an integral aspect of the 8th Habit. By empowering others, we create a ripple effect that expands our influence and fosters positive change in the world. When individuals recognize their voice, they become catalysts for transformation in their own lives and the lives of those around them.

Unveiling Your Voice

To find your voice, you must embark on a journey of self-discovery. Begin by reflecting on your values, passions, and natural talents. Identify the activities that energize you and the areas where you excel. This introspection will provide valuable insights into your unique strengths and help you understand how you can make a meaningful contribution.

Moreover, finding your voice requires introspection and continuous growth. Seek out opportunities for personal and professional development, whether through education, mentorship, or self-guided learning. Embrace challenges and view failures as stepping stones to success. Remember, your voice is not a fixed entity but an evolving expression of who you are becoming.

Aligning Purpose and Passion

To fully embrace the 8th Habit, it is essential to align your purpose with your passion. Purpose represents your overarching mission or calling, while passion reflects the deep enthusiasm and energy you have for specific endeavors. When you align these two elements, you unleash a powerful force that fuels your motivation and propels you towards extraordinary achievements.

To discover the intersection of purpose and passion, ask yourself thought-provoking questions:

  • What brings me joy and fulfillment?
  • What problems or issues do I feel strongly about?
  • How can I use my skills and talents to address these problems?
  • What impact do I want to have on the world?

By answering these questions honestly and exploring different avenues, you can identify the areas where your purpose and passion converge.

Empowering Others to Find Their Voice

The 8th Habit is not just about finding your voice; it also involves helping others discover theirs. When you empower others, you create a supportive environment that fosters growth and enables them to unlock their true potential. Here are some strategies to help others find their voice:

Listen actively: Provide others with a safe space to express themselves and genuinely listen to their thoughts, ideas, and concerns.

  • Offer guidance and mentorship: Share your knowledge and experiences to guide others on their own journey of self-discovery. Encourage them to reflect on their strengths, values, and passions.
  • Build a culture of trust: Foster an environment where individuals feel comfortable expressing their opinions and taking risks. Trust is a crucial element in helping others find their voice.
  • Celebrate diversity: Recognize and appreciate the unique strengths and perspectives that each individual brings to the table. Encourage collaboration and inclusivity.
  • Lead by example: Be an authentic role model by living in alignment with your own voice. Show others that it is possible to pursue their passions and make a difference.

The Impact of Finding Your Voice

When individuals find their voice and help others do the same, remarkable transformations occur. The impact extends beyond personal growth to influence teams, organizations, and society as a whole. Here are some ways in which finding your voice can make a difference:

  • Increased personal fulfillment: When you align your actions with your values and passions, you experience a profound sense of purpose and fulfillment in your life.
  • Enhanced leadership skills: Finding your voice allows you to lead from a place of authenticity and inspire others to do the same. It amplifies your influence and enables you to create a positive impact on a larger scale.
  • Empowered teams and organizations: Empowering others to find their voice fosters a culture of engagement, creativity, and innovation. It leads to stronger teams and more successful organizations.
  • Positive societal change: When individuals embrace their voice, they become advocates for change, tackling social issues, and making a lasting impact on their communities and the world.


Habit 8 from Stephen R. Covey's "The 8th Habit" represents a call to action to find your voice and help others find theirs. By aligning your purpose with your passion, embracing self-discovery, and empowering others, you unlock your full potential and create a positive impact in the world. The journey to finding your voice is ongoing, and it requires courage, self-reflection, and a commitment to personal growth. As you embark on this path, remember that your voice has the power to change lives and inspire others to find their own voices. Embrace the 8th Habit, and let your voice resonate with purpose and meaning.




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